Thursday, January 31, 2008

My last day at work.....

So today is my last day at work. My co-workers have bought me a cake. I really did not think it was going to be this much of a emotional roller coaster ride. But I am here to tell you that it is hard saying goodbye. I have worked with the County here for around 9 years and have formed alot of close friends. I have started yesterday saying goodbye to some of them and tears wanted to flow. I have collected everyones addresses and email addresses so I can keep in touch with them. I will really miss ALOT of people here at work, REALLY MISS THEM. But I am looking forward to making new friends in my new County and forming friendships like I have here. Starting a new life and hopefully becoming happy deep inside myself. If you can understand what I am saying.

I will try and post here before I actually leave Florida on February 7th. I do not know when we will have our internet turned off at the old house. Buy my new house is scheduled to be turned on Feb 9th, My birthday. I may just from time to time post a quickie from my cell phone to let all of my Blogging Friends know I am still alive and well..

Until then my friends Take Care, Be safe and I will be thinking of you all. To those of you who know me personally I will make sure do a face to face goodbye soon..

KissimmeeJohn aka JohnnyOnTheSpot....

Monday, January 28, 2008

All Flows well in Johnnys World....

So here I stand at the over flowing hole from hell, which today has delivered dirt/sand all over my floors. I had to leave work at 11am on Sunday to come home to the water making its way into my kitchen. I called the sewer company again and told them they needed to come TODAY and locate my lines outside. I ran to Home Depot and rented a 75 ft power snake and while at the Home Depot the Sewer company arrives and starts hunting for lines.
After I finally got all 75 ft of snake down the hole the guys from the city said they could hear it in my front yard.

They dug a hole and found a 45 degree elbow pipe fitting. What are the odds of digging at the right spot the first time? they figured out which way it went to the street (which by the way was not the direction or side of house they originally thought) and which way the line was running into the house.

This in turn led them to the spot where my Drain out was buried in the grass. The cap was not even on correctly, thus causing mud to get into it every time it rained outside. So I brought the snake around the the drain cap and fed it through. Let me tell you it was a Glorious site seeing WATER FLOWING with ease through that pipe.

All in all I snaked about 150 ft of pipes to get it all flowing the proper way. I spent a couple more hours getting the house dry and then another hour cleaning my floors, etc with bleach water and pine sol water.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sewer Nightmare ! Oh and dinner nightmare too...

Well, let me just start out by saying I am EXHAUSTED !!!!!!

I got home at 6:15 pm last night from work and had planned on just getting some dinner and relaxing since Today would be my 3rd 12 hour shift in a row. I washed my hands in my master bathroom which is upstairs and the towels were missing from the towel rack. I questioned my wife as to who stole the towels and she said she did because the downstairs toilet overflowed and she needed towels. I went and got another towel out of the closet and went on with my night..

Why is this titled SEWER NIGHTMARE you are asking... Well let me tell you why...

As I was downstairs making spaghetti noodles to go with the left over meatballs/sauce from the meatball subs the night before the sewer nightmare began.. Before the water even started boiling the downstairs bathroom which is only a half bath (toilet and sink) I hear water pouring out onto the ceramic tiles from the bathroom. I quickly ran to see what it was and My toilet bowl is overflowing and flooding the bathroom and laundry room. I Grab a hand full of sheets from the laundry room and throw them on the floor at the door to the laundry room to keep the water from making its way to the kitchen.

But before I get any further on that let me quickly tell you about the Pasta that I had to throw away. I got the water boiling and slid all the noodles out of the box, broke them in half and added them to the wonderful boiling water. Lifted the lid on the sauce/meatballs to stir, replaced lid and moved my eyes to the boiling pot of BUGS and NOODLES !!!!! YES you read right Bugs !!!! There were there black bugs floating on the top of my water.. I was a victim of pasta bugs. I end up throwing that batch of pasta away and grabbed a box of bow tie pasta from the pantry. Started a new pot of boiling water and returned to the flood.

I grabbed my wet vac from the garage which mind you is only about a gallon big and start sucking up water. This gets old quick as I am standing in a good couple of inches of water. I have a mud room where the garage comes in between the kitchen and laundry room that has a door leading to my back patio. I grabbed the garden house dragging it into the house through the laundry room and stuck it in the toilet bowl. I ran back outside and turned on the water, unhooked the house from the faucet to get a siphon started and began draining the water from the toilet bowl as fast as I could. I ran back to the garage and got my handy dandy carpet cleaner and used it to start sucking up all the water. Let me just say the water coming up from my toilet still hasn't stopped. At this point, I turned off the water to the tank, disconnected the water line, unscrewed the floor bolts and ripped the damn toilet off the floor sticking it in the corner of the bathroom. ***WATER STILL COMING FROM THE HOLE IN THE FLOOR***

Now in case you have forgotten , there is a pot of water boiling on the stove for the freaking bow tie pasta and all I wanted to do was just relax tonight. My mother in law comes and asked if I wanted her to add the pasta, I said yes but just make sure there are no bugs and told her about the last batch.. A couple minutes later she comes into the laundry room as I am up to my family jewels in water ( not really but it gives you a good idea how much water is coming out) and says "Now you have me scared, as she is shaking the box trying to see bugs in the pasta. I told her just add it to the water and if there are bugs she will see them floating.. She adds pasta and NO BUGS !!!!! I go back to the water adventure.

So now I have taken the hose and started feeding it down the hole in the floor and figured I would just get the siphon going and hopefully get the back flow stopped. Oh forgot to tell you that by this time I had already called my power/water/sewer company and got this guy who was a complete ass. He was like I have no clue what your talking about and what you want me to do. I said "I want you to tell me why I have water coming outta my floor when I have City Sewer?"

He told me he would get a tech out. So I have a nice siphon going on and am able to get a good amount of the water cleaned up. I walk through the kitchen and there is the pasta just boiling away with no one watching it. I go upstairs where my wife and 2 older daughters are just sitting on the bed watching TV. Now I am still in my work clothes and my pants are wet up to my knees. I exclaimed "CAN SOMEONE COME TAKE CARE OF DINNER?" to which my 13 year old comes down to finish and serve dinner to the kids.

If your still here and reading, let me say the nightmare is not over yet. I go to the back corner of my garage (which is up against the bathroom) and my entire back half of garage is flooded. Water is running through my garage and out from underneath the overhead garage door and the back door. I Am just ready to Scream at this point.

After I finally get all the water finally cleaned up and to a point where there is no more water coming outta the hole in my floor. I decide to re-attach the toilet and turn on the water. I should have just stopped right there, but NOOOOO I have to flush the freaking toilet to make sure it works and the Flooding starts all over.... I shut off the water again, get the hose back in the toilet and again get the siphon going. Again get all the water cleaned up and decide I am going upstairs to shower since I have spent well over an hours playing in toilet water and just want to be clean and run to Quizno's for a sub. As I get ready to jump in the shower, I look out the window and the sewer company has arrived. I spend about 30 minutes walking around outside with them as they are trying to find my drain outs at the house and their drain outs at the road. I finally go inside, change into shorts and the wife and I run to Quizno's while they poke around my 1/2 acre lot. Wife and I are gone about 30 minutes , come home and she takes our dinner inside as I head outside to meet with the group of sewer people that are now in my yard. They are unable to find where my sewer lines go to the main sewers and tell me they need to have the locate company come out on Monday to locate and mark my lines. They also tell me that if there are no drain outs on their side, they will have to dig up my yard and install them at their cost.

They leave, I go upstairs take a shower scrub like I was contaminated and throw my PJ's on. I go downstairs threw my sub in the microwave, went and checked on the freaking toilet and STILL EMPTY !!!!!!!! I take my food to my room, ate and went to bed. Woke up at 5am this morning, showered again cause I can not proceed or function without my morning shower. I get dressed for work and head downstairs scared to death of finding my whole downstairs flooded. No water found and toilet still empty !!!!!! So lets just hope it holds out for 2 more weeks and I can move out of Florida and not have to worry about the over flowing toilet again !!!!

Sorry I have made this such a LONG post , but that's what it took to tell you about my night. OH and by the way, it was around 11pm when I finally crawled into bed to just RELAX after work.

Have a safe and enjoyable Sunday !!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wife annoyed at me from a dream...

Have you ever had your wife annoyed at you because of a dream she had? She took a nap this afternoon and had a dream.
Well, As I am sitting here at work, my wife sends me a message that says:

WIFE: I forgot to tell you that I am annoyed with you ... LOL

ME: Me? Why? What did I do now?

WIFE: I was having a really good dream about Dr McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey from Greys Anatomy) and he was rubbing my thigh. When I turned to look at him it was YOU !!!!!!

ME: LOL, That's Freaking Hilarious !!!!!!

WIFE : No that means you stink ! I can't even have a good hot dream without you insinuating yourself in it

ME: Sorry

WIFE: it's OK, your hands were nice and warm .. LOL

So even when I am at work, minding my own business I get in trouble. LOL

My wife has had dreams on several occasions to where she wakes up mad, annoyed or just won't talk to me. Then when I finally pry it out of her she is made about something I did in her dreams.. I find it quit funny when it happens.

Anyone out there with similar experiences? If so Do share !!!!!

Its Saturday !!!!!!

I am an IPOD victim .....

Well, I have managed to last as long as I could. On Thursday night we broke down and became an IPOD victim. I would have never bought one for myself only because I did not see why I should pay money for a brand name. Well my brand new 13 year old Daughter has been asking for once since Christmas time. She has wanted an IPOD Nano and thus far I have been successful in not getting her one. Well Her Birthday was January 20th and she got $70 bucks cash from Grandma and Grandpa and her Nana. My wife has decided we would pay the difference. We found them on sale at Staples for $149. I spent last night trying to set the time and date, etc. Let me tell you what.. WHY of WHY did I avoid buying one of these? This thing is pretty kewl and I now want one for myself... I have included a picture of my Daughter with her new IPOD. Could she look any happier? LOL

Johnny on the Spot says HELLO

What a better way so say hello and show my respect for all my fellow "Blog Hoppers"
With all this hopping going on there is always a need for a "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT"

Please lift the seat and clean up your mess and thanks for stopping by....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Superstar take 2......

I have once again felt the need to share my Son's second Guitar Hero Video. I just do not understand why over the last couple of months he has taken to living in his underwear only. As soon as he walks in the house off come the clothes and he will spend the rest of the day in his underwear. If I can manage to get him to wear clothes, he wears his shirts inside out. He is making his own fashion statement I suppose. LOL

I had to take a break from packing. I can not stress how much I hate packing and I feel like we are getting nothing done in this house. We have around 2 weeks to get everything completely packed and it just seems like its not going to be done. We have gotten rid of so much stuff already and have alot more to get rid of. We are trying to get rid of as much stuff as we can so its less to move with us. Oh well, just needed to take a breather from the packing and crap that comes with moving, Thanks for letting me vent and take a break...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stole this from Clare's Dad - Ipod meme

Here are the instructions:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

Q: What does next year have in store for you?
A: Anything but mine - Kenny Chesney

Q: What does your love life look like next year?
A: Baby I'm Yours - Shai

Q: What do you say when life gets hard?
A: Baby's gone home to mama - Josh Turner

Q: Song that reminds you of good times?
A: Backwood Boy - Josh Turner

Q: What do you think when you get up in the morning?
A: Beer In Mexico - Kenny Chesney

Q: What song will you dance to at your wedding?
A: Big Star - Kenny Chesney

Q: Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
A: Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

Q: Your favorite saying?
A: Buffalo Soldiers - Bob Marley

Q: Favorite place?
A: Cats in the Cradle - Cat Stevens

Q: Most Missed Memory?
A: Comforter - Shai

Q: What song describes your best friend?
A: Ground Control to Major Tom - David Bowie

Q: What song describes your ex?
A: Does he love you? - Reba ( THIS IS SO NOT A GOOD SONG FOR HERE !!!! ) LOL

Q: Where would you go on a first date?
A: Cleaning out my closet - Eminem

Q: Drug of choice?
A: I'm sorry Momma - Eminem

Q: What song describes yourself?
A: Like Toy Soldiers - Eminem

Q: What is the thing you like doing most?

Q: The song that best describes the president?
A: Every Rose has its Thorn - Poison

Q: Where will you be in 10 years?
A: Fall in Love - Kenny Chesney

Q: Your love life right now?
A: Fancy - Reba

Q: What is your state of mind like at the moment?
A: FireCracker - Josh Turner

Q: How will you die?
A: He gets that from me - Reba

Let me know if you play along...

United Airlines (Mesa Airline) is outta control !!!!

OK Guys and Gals here is how my trip to Wisconsin went. I was to depart Orlando at 0550hrs on Saturday the 12Th on United (Ted) Airlines based out of Mesa, Arizona. I am very pleased to say that the Flight from Orlando to Chicago left without any problems. We watched their version of NBC clips/shows during the flight. I was really impressed with the flight due to the little T.V.'s that drop down from the overheads. I ended up getting to Chicago O'Hare 25 minutes early (0800hrs) and my next flight was not due out until 1025hrs. NO BIGGIE. HA !!!!!!! While I am sitting there another flight was ready to board and running 40 minutes late because they couldn't find the Captain for the plane. After another 15 minutes they cancelled that flight and sent everyone upstairs to reschedule flights.. I was thinking to myself that would so freaking suck. So after I sat there for a couple hours watching people come and go and come and go it is now around 1000hrs. Time to start boarding my little plane that I have to walk outside across the tarmac and up the stairs to my little plane to go to Central Wisconsin. They start boarding all the planes that are do out after mine. At 1025 when I should be departing, they announce as soon as they locate our Captain we will board and depart. (here is where I start worrying that I am going to be stranded in Chicago and my plane will be cancelled like the previous one.) 1115hrs arrives and we have finally found our Captain. (where the hell was he? at the Bar?) We board, and the plane then turns around to prepare for take off. Do you really think we took off? NO, we didn't take off. They could not get one engine to start, so they pull the plane back to the gate and maintenance arrives and declares the plane is a no go. Time to unboard my already late flight and back into the terminals until they find us another plane. It took them 45 minutes to find us another plane and move us to another gate. Are you ready for whats next? WHERE IS THE CAPTAIN???? they spent another 45 minutes looking for a Captain. Did we check the bar AGAIN? I finally lost my cool by this point and the guy that was working the United counter got to be the first to deal with me. He was wearing the United clothes, standing at the United counter and answered the Phones "United Airlines". He told me he works for United but the planes I was flying was Mesa Airlines out of Mesa Arizona and I needed to call their customer service to complain. No one in a united uniform wanted to talk to us. CAPTAIN found and on the plane now. Needless to say I ended up arriving in Central Wisconsin at 1400hrs (2pm) when I was supposed to be there at 1115hrs. On our short little flight we had the nicest flight attendant. She was with us on the grounded plane as well. She took time to talk to me and the guy seated behind me about the airlines. She informed us that Mesa Airlines treats their employees as bad as they do the passengers. She was saying how she was in the hospital with kidney infections for a couple of days. Mesa was calling her in the hospital harassing her about coming back to work. She was like " I am literally in a hospital bed, what I am a supposed to do?" She is only staying with them a few more months and is going to law school. Good For her. She did make the flight enjoyable because with it being so short they did not serve food/beverages. She told everyone she was breaking the red tape on the beverage carts and serving us beverages. Whats the worst they can do to me? FIRE ME she says... Everyone one the plane got FREE, I repeat FREE beer and wine. She also handed out cans of soft drinks for those who didn't want beer or wine.

So I finally arrive In Wausau and get home in time to watch the Packers Game, GO PACKERS !!!!!!!!!
My job testing/interview was Monday the 14Th. I passed all my testing and did great in the interview. I ended up spending almost 4 1/2 hours there. They have already called me since I have been home and they have started my extensive back ground check. Tentative start date Feb 11Th.

Flight home was good. I had no problems leaving to get to Chicago. I had a 3 1/2 hour layover in Chicago which sucked but what can you do right? I took at seat at gate B 20 something (the last gate in the A terminal.) 25 minutes before boarding a very inaudible announcement about Orlando was made. I could not hear what was said. I sat there to see if anyone moved. NO ONE moved. I got up and looked at the screen behind my gates counter. My flight was no longer there. I grabbed my bag, went running down to the departure flight screens and my flight was moved to gate C21. I had 15 minutes to get to another gate to which I had no clue where the hell it was. I go running through O'Hare and find myself going through a tunnel to Terminal C. I get there 3 minutes before boarding starts. They ended up changing actual planes sometime during my sitting at the wrong place for 3 hours. We boarded and took off without a problem. They even played the movie "December Boys" with Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter. It was a very good movie.
So I made it home as scheduled and yesterday was my first day at work on the day shift. I overslept this morning for work, but still made it here on time. I really have to get used to getting up at 0430 hrs in the morning now.

Okay, if you are still reading at this point, I suppose I will let you go and gouge your eyes out.. LOL
Be safe and have a Great Day everyone...

Friday, January 18, 2008

The next American Rock Star????

My Mother has bought the kids a PlayStation 2 for Christmas. Along with that she bought them the Guitar Hero III and the 2 pack of guitars. John my 7 year old picked up the guitar on the first day we brought it home and was able to hit 90 % of the notes. Let's just say he literally kicked Dad's ass on this game. He is addicted to the Guitar Hero and can usually be found jamming away in the living room. Mostly wearing only his tightie whities. I was lucky enough to get him with pants on (dress pants at that) He would look over to see if I was still recording him and that's when he would start missing the notes.. It was to cute and figured I would share the video with you.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well I am back from Wisconsin

This was above my Friend Sean's front door. I loved this picture and wanted to share.

Well, I am back from my interview. This is just a quick update to apologize for my absence for the last week or so. I took a mental break from the Internet, emails and life. Its much needed from time to time.
The interview went well !! They loved me and have already called me today to talk more to me. They are having the rest of the interviews on January 21st. They only did 2 interviews on this past Monday for the 2 out of state applicants.
I also found us another place while I was up there this past weekend. Its not as nice as the first place I found, but its still nice and a place to call home. I put my money down on the place so at least I do have a place to call home. I am off tomorrow and will try to post more then....I will also get caught up on all my fellow Dads and their blogs.. Missed you guys !!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

It is official !!! We are moving

Well, just a quick post. It is official. We have all given our notices here in Florida. We are planning on loading up and heading to Wisconsin the first week of February. The only bad news is, we lost the house we were trying to get. Someone got their hands on it before I was able to get back to the realtor to make my final arrangements. So we are now looking for another place. I fly out on January 12Th back to Wisconsin and will hopefully find a home and put money down on it while I am there. I have the big job interview on Jan 14Th at 8am. So everyone please keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer or two for me that I get this job and will not be stuck working at McDonald's for awhile there. .LOL
I will post more tonight when I come back to work at 6pm. It is now 0424am and I am ready to call it a night and go home.
I am glad everyone has survived the Holiday rush and glad to see everyone back on the blogs safe and sound !!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Years !!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted to say Happy New Years to all my Friends in the blogger world. I hope you all remember the great times of 2007 and can forget all the hard and or bad times of 2007. Lets all welcome 2008 with open arms , open minds and positive outlooks..

I hope you all were able to spend time with your loved ones/family and friends. I unfortunately had to be at work while my wife is home safe and comfortable in our bed. This is my FIRST New Years Eve EVER not being with my wife and family/friends. Wow was it hard. But I have a job to do ...
Be safe and I hope everyone wakes up in their own beds and home safely !!!!


I found this picture funny and had to post it..