Let me just say that I waited until it came out on DVD before watching it. IT FREAKING ROCKED !!!!!! I enjoyed it totally and am glad I watched it.
Let me just say that I waited until it came out on DVD before watching it. IT FREAKING ROCKED !!!!!! I enjoyed it totally and am glad I watched it.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Posted by
7:45 AM
Just figured I would blog something even though I really do not have much to blog about.
Jordan's party was Saturday night and it went well. She had around 6-7 kids show up and they all seemed to have had a good time. They hung out in the kitchen/dining room and listened to music, then they were in and out of the house. They decided to all cram into the downstairs bathroom to do the Bloody Mary thing in the mirror, so I stood outside the bathroom window and once they turned off the lights I banged on the window. It was like a stampede of kids trying to get out of the bathroom and run.. I about pee'd myself outside the window. They all settled down and started watching Jeepers Creepers 2, I went outside and was wearing a Grim Reeper costume and stood in the window next to the t.v. It took only a few seconds before someone noticed me standing in the window and let me just say, all you heard were screams as they cleared out the living room. They quickly started closing all the blinds, Jordan than went to the french doors in the dining room and opened the door right as I was getting ready to open it, well she screamed and about took out the table trying to get away from the doors... It was fun and over all I think everyone had a great time.
My wife has found our dream place in Bangor, Maine. Its a two story building and on the 2ND floor there are 5 apartments with 9 bedrooms total, and downstairs there is a general store and a separate little diner. It costs about 20k less then what I paid for my house I own now. If I knew I could live off the store/diner I would so buy it and move. I think it would be so much fun to own something like that. We could run the business' and live above them.
Well, that's about all I have to talk about so I will end this blog for now. If I can think of anything else worth blogging, I will come back and add to the post.
Be safe....
OK, I am back just to add that the Packers won the game 19-13
Posted by
11:13 PM
This will probably be a long posting, so you better run and pee, get a drink or get comfortable....
Well, let me start off by saying its been a few days since I posted anything on here. I have been sorta depressed with my not getting the job I interviewed for. My friend Patty had told me this "I am sorry about the disappointing news with the job, but they probably didn't deserve you anyways. Keep your head up and keep looking." I have to say , that was very nice of her to tell me that and I have decided she is right. They didn't deserve me and I will find someplace that does!!!! So enough about the job thing, Moving on the the next thing that's been running endlessly in my head and I just can't stop worrying or wondering about and that would be my wife. So lets skip a line and start a new paragraph on that...
Ok, The Dr's are not going to do the lung scan on her to check for pulmonary embolisms because all the Dimer tests in the hospital for that come up negative. The Dr did however check her pulse and performed another EKG and in both her heart rate was elevated. He has told her she has Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia. She can't even walk up or stairs at home without her heart rate increasing, even just walking from the car to the Dr's office, increases the heart rate. This is not a good thing. They have her on medications to try and control the rate of the heart. So last night while I was at work, I decided to look up IVT and there was like 3 different stages of it. All of them mentioning "sudden death" That is a very scary thought. I am so afraid of her getting worse with this condition rather that getting better. I am concerned about her having to go up and down the stairs in our house. I am worried for her health and not being there if something happens to her. I mean I am sure I am just getting to lost in my own thoughts on this, and that the Dr's will be able to control and or correct this with medication and or surgery. But I still can't help but sit here and wonder... Should we stay here and continue life as we know it today or should we finally open our eyes and move on. Move somewhere that we would actually be happy and live the rest of our lives doing what we want and enjoying life. Move somewhere that is less congested and crowded. Where she can actually slow down and enjoy life.
As for me, I really need to wake up and start taking care of myself. My blood tests came back in, and I am borderline Diabetic AND my triglycerides are 350. I have got to start exercising, eating better and really get myself in shape. I am over weight and I have the stuff at home to work out, I just do not have the motivation. I have the reason, my health, but still no motivation, I am just to freaking tired anymore. I know that if I started exercising and eating better I am sure I would have more energy. I have a couple friends I can start doing things with, its just a matter of finding time to do it. Its so hard to buy special foods for a healthy diet and then buy foods that my kids will actually eat. Because we all know that kids will not eat healthy no matter how you try and disguise the veggies.. (All this while I am sitting here eating Peanut Butter M&M's) how sad is that?
Jordan is having a Halloween Party at the house on Saturday with a bunch of her friends from school. My Dad and Step Mom are taking John and Jayme to Seaworld on Saturday and then to their house for the night so they are not in the way of Jordans party. I think it will be fun for John and Jayme, however this is John's first night of sleeping away from home. I hope he does well and doesn't start crying in the middle of the night. I would have to drive to Frost Proof to get him in the middle of the night.. Lets hope all goes well.
I will end this by saying, I love my wife, my kids, my family both immediate and extended and all my friends. I hope and pray my wife will be able to live a full and happy life, because I could not imagine my life without my wife.. I love you Christine and I always will love you...
Good Night to whom ever is reading this and I love you too...
Posted by
10:47 PM
Well, I just found out that I didn't get offered the position I applied for. I am going to be stuck in that hell hole of a job I call Dispatch. I am so freaking depressed right about now that I just can not put into words my true feelings and or thoughts. So with that being said, I am going to say Good Night and hopefully I will be in a better mood in a couple days to blog something else..
Posted by
5:33 PM
I have spent the night reading and getting caught up on Toma's blogs from day 1 of her blog adventure. While there I came across this book quiz she had taken and posted the link so others could take the test. Well, I took the test and this is what my outcome is. I have yet to decide if its good or not, any opinions would be helpful.. And I want to Say hello to "TOMA" and thanks for keeping me entertained with your blogs. You have convinced me you have become very "Wealthy" in your life in just family and friends. I only wish I could be 1/8th the person you are. You have given some very helpful and informative words of wisdom/encouragement in your blogs even if you do not think so..
You're The Sound and the Fury!
by William Faulkner
Strong-willed but deeply confused, you are trying to come to grips
with a major crisis in your life. You can see many different perspectives on the issue,
but you're mostly overwhelmed with despair at what you've lost. People often have a hard
time understanding you, but they have some vague sense that you must be brilliant
anyway. Ultimately, you signify nothing.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Posted by
4:45 AM
Well, after sitting in the emergency room for 14 1/2 hours before they finally put her in a room/bed we found she is having a problem with her heart. They scheduled her for a nuclear stress test and will she was just walking on the treadmill, within 2 minutes her heart rate had double itself. Which according to the DR is not good. The pictures they took during the test showed everything is good with the heart itself and the arteries etc. But there is something that is causing the rapid elevation of the heart. She was released Thursday evening and allowed to go home and sleep in her own bed. I had a DR appt for myself to follow up on my lab work etc and she went with me to the appt. Well she stole my time, The nurse and the DR talked to her more than me.. LOL The Dr told her he has been thinking about this heart rate issue and asked if she was having cramping in her calf muscles. She had said yeah however she just thought it was like a charlie horse. He then told her he thinks she may have Pulmonary Embolisms. So he wants to schedule her for a lung scan. This is a scary thought. People have died from this. She was also sent home with several medications, she now has to carry Nitroglycerin with her, she takes a medication to help with the heart rate and was given a pain medication. I am worried about this, but I am trying not to let it be known at home. So as I get updated with whats going on with her, I will in turn update on here..
I still have not heard anything from the Job I applied for. I haven't even received the "We are Sorry you suck and didn't get hired" letter , so there is still hope.. LOL
Will post more later..
Posted by
10:36 PM
Found this at a yard sale yesterday. I had to buy it for my son. Its a life size stuffed spiderman.
Last night after he was in bed for awhile, he comes downstairs with "spidey" and says "can I leave this down here? It's kinda scaring me out." It was too cute.
Posted by
10:34 PM
Posted by
4:46 AM
Posted by
9:26 PM
This made me think of my life in general............
It is now officially Wednesday. I was told I should hopefully hear something by today. This waiting for the phone call on this new job is driving me totally and completely insane !!!!!
So I figured since it is Wednesday I might as well post a Hump Day picture...
I really wish I had something more to blog about tonight, but I don't. Sorry... Maybe Tomorrow will be more promising...
Posted by
12:09 AM
Well, Monday has made it here. I was supposed to work from 6 to midnight today. Well I get to work and someone ended up calling in sick so the on call person got called in. I told him I would work the full shift if he wanted to leave at midnight since he worked yesterday as well, he took me up on my offer. Oh well, I can use the 12 hours of time and half pay anyways. Guess its a good thing I ended up sleeping all day.
Christine seems to have enjoyed her birthday. The kids woke her up and gave her her gifts. She liked everything she got. She wanted to go to Red Lobster for lunch because she got a gift card from my father for her birthday. So we got dressed and went to lunch just her and I. I had the Shrimp and Lobster Fettuccine Alfredo. It was very good, loaded with shrimp and ONE chunk of lobster.. LOL I really wanted lobster meat and guess they try not to put much in it.. Over all lunch was very good and I enjoyed my time alone with Christine. We went home and her sister and brother in-law came over, we had cake and visited.
So I get this text message from Christine telling me Jordan is having a meltdown cause the house isn't spotless. She washed the kitchen floor with my dishes sponge. Nice Job.. EWWWW
I replied why is she having a meltdown and was told Jordan's friends are coming over Wednesday.. No clue why, but oh well.. LOL, Just got another text, Christine was designated pickup driver from Volley Ball practice and they will all be picked up from our house I guess. Oh what fun.. I am soo looking forward to that.
I am hoping and praying that I get a call over the next couple of days with a job offer.... I would love to walk out the door to this comm center and know that I am not returning.. I get so excited with that thought. But my luck is my luck and I will probably be returning everyday here. BUT I can hope right? RIGHT !!!!!!
Well thats all for now, will post more later if I have more...
Posted by
8:22 PM
Today is my wife and I want to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE" , I love you very much. I am glad I am spending another birthday with you. I hope we have many more birthdays, holidays and special occasions together !
Well, I am hoping the sickness is done in my house. Jayme has broken the fever so as of today no one in the house had a fever. Lets hope it stays that way..
Not much to blog about, nothing exciting happened today. I slept until around 3pm. So the only thing I really did was called McAfee about my virus protection etc not working. It was blocking me from the Internet. They had me un-install the software and now when I go home from work, I have to re-install it and hope it works.
I am off at 6am and have Sunday off, however I am on call. So I will try and stay awake to spend the day with Christine for her Birthday. I work Monday from 6pm to midnight, So I will try and blog some more then.
I have told another friend of mine about blogging, So maybe I will soon have a link for Gary on here too.. Lets see if he shows up.
Posted by
12:05 AM
Well this week has been a long week. It started with my running a fever Sunday and Monday. Then my son got the fever Monday and Tuesday. Christine stayed home with John on Tuesday and by the evening she was sick, spent Wednesday home sick. She and John go to work and School on Thursday and Jayme starts running a fever Thursday night. She is home from school Today and is still running a 102+ fever. She has the highest fever out of all of us. I have warned Jordan the oldest of kids that live at home that she is next to be prepared. This 24-48 hour bug has almost run its course through my whole house. Then I parked in the garage Wednesday afternoon diagonally because of my kids leaving their bikes in the way. My wife goes to work Thursday morning and is worried about hitting her moms truck so she watches that. Needless to say the drivers side is not being watched and she turns the wheels enough to hit the drivers door on the side of the garage door opening leaving a large white paint scuff mark on the drivers door and breaking off the drivers side mirror. I hope and pray for a better week next week..
My Dad and Step mom came up Wednesday night and gave my family a huge pumpkin that weighs over 100 lbs and took my dad and I both to carry it in. (see picture below of John and Jayme sitting next to it) He was in PA hunting and the potato farm up there was growing/selling them. So he bought 4 and brought them home for my 3 sisters and I's families.
He is always kind and thoughtful about little things like that.
Well I have put in for vacation from October 31st until November 5th. I did it that way so if I do get this other job, my 2nd week of my 2 weeks notice will be while I am on vacation.. SMART, NICE !!!!!!! I have gotten my hopes up way to much about this job. So I am going to be in a depression if I do not get it. I just want things to work in my favor for once in my life.. If I get this job, things will improve all over I think.. Or should I say I hope.
Well that's enough for today.
Posted by
10:58 PM
Posted by
12:57 AM
I had my interview today at 3pm. I got there about 2:50 and was called in early and didn't get out of there until an hour later. I feel the interview went very well, I am trying to feel real confident about it without crossing over the line to feeling cocky. The Director returns Monday and will be given the chosen applicant and if he approves I should know by Next Wednesday as to whether or not I got the Job. I think if I did get the job, things would be soo much better at home and in life in general. I just wanted to post a quick little bit about my interview and will blog more later tonight...
Posted by
7:35 PM
Posted by
3:48 PM
Well its 1pm on Sunday, and so far I haven't been called into work!!! YEAH that's a good thing. I have been able to have a whole weekend of with my family. We sat up until almost 2am last night playing cards with my sister and brother in-law. We try and have card night once a week. It's sad that its our only entertainment lately. Chris had to take Jordan to a school friends birthday party at the skate reflections. So I figured while I had a few moments alone I would throw out a blog for the day.
My Dad just called, he got back in last night from archery hunting in PA. Out of the 3 of them that went, My step grandfather is the only one that came home with a deer. My dad said he hit one and they followed the blood trail, then lost the trail and spent about 4 hours hunting for this deer with no luck. So he is either one lucky deer or is providing meals for the other wild life out there.
Time to put the spotlight on my wife for awhile.. She has lost around 24lbs total now. She is soo happy and feels good about herself. I am soo extremely proud of her and jealous.
Well my nephew had his home coming last night and I saw him and his girlfriend. I took a couple pics of him in front of a custom coach bus all their friends got to use. He has grown and changed soo much. Here are two pictures of Him and his Girlfriend.
I am stressing over when Jordan get to be that age where she needs the fancy dresses and all for dances, yet I can not wait for the time excitement of seeing how beautiful my little girl will be on her special night.
Well I am gonna call this a post and will post more tomorrow when I go to work.
Posted by
12:47 PM
Let me say that this has been the longest night at work EVER !!!!! It is now 0435hrs and I am fighting my hardest to stay awake. The non stop yawning and the watering eyes are not making this night any easier. No one is talking to each other in here, I have been watching Scrubs on my laptop for the last 4 hours I think. I have sat here with my eyes shut, but keeping one part of my body or another in constant motion, either the foot or leg shaking, or the whole chair going from side to side or rocking back and forth. I honestly think I actually dozed off once or twice. NOT GOOD !!!!! I have even had a few moments when I was just sitting here comfortably with my eyes closed, listening to my Scrubs and all of a sudden my body would do that uncontrollable jerk. Damn near fell out of my chair once.. LOL I have to admit that was funny though, I would look around and no one would be looking at me thankfully. I haven't had anything to eat or drink since midnight because I am fasting for blood work that I have a 1015am appt for. I want a MT DEW.. Thats why I am probably so tired. Well that and the fact the Christy has taken the night off and I have no one to talk to and keep me entertained. I actually enjoy working with her and If either her or I gets a job elsewhere, I would have to say I would miss working her.
Its now 0509, and I look back at what I just typed, boy I am either a really slow typer or, Well I just don't know what else I could be. Oh wait, yes I do, I AM FREAKING TIRED !!!! I want to go home, curl up under the covers and pillows and sleep for a couple hours before I have to wake up and go get my bloodwork done.
Well, I sorta got sidetracked with scrubs, so I am gonna call it a post and log off.. Will try and post over the weekend but since I am off I don't know if I will have a chance to sign on or not.. until next time, GOD BLESS.....
Posted by
4:35 AM
For some reason, I am in a really really good mood right now. My spirits are good, my attitude is good and I have no idea why. My night at work started out with me being a little negative, so thats why I find it odd that I am in a good mood. Maybe its because I have a possibility of leaving my current position to a new one that I can expand my education and actually learn something new by on the job training and maybe take a few courses. There is so much more room for growth and advancement in the new position. I sooo really really hope I get this new position. I am doing what I swore I wouldn't do, and thats getting my hopes up and to excited about this other job. So, just be ready and prepared that if I don't get the job for me to be moody, depressed and who knows what else.. LOL YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!!
So I watched Fantastic 4, Rise of the Silver Surfer, let me just say... LOVED IT..
Of course I am a fan of all the super hero movies like that.. I am still patiently waiting for Spiderman 3 to come out on DVD.. I will be at the doors of Blockbuster at 10am when the open for that one. Hoping to get to watch 1408 tonight if we have time at work. I have been wanting to see that one too. I don't see the movies when they come out in theaters it just costs too much. I wait for them to come out on DVD.
I am off this weekend, well sorta off, I am on-call Sunday. Hoping no one calls out. My wife wants to do something fun this weekend instead of just sitting at home. So I am sure we will be hitting a theme park or something. It just is so hard to go out and have fun when you are wanting to sleep during the day because thats what your used to. My wife just doesn't understand and I feel like the worst person in the world because I am tired and want to sleep through out the day. So to keep from being the bad guy and ruining everyone elses weekend, I am going to have to be awake and go and have fun with the family.
It's a couple minutes before midnight, I have 6 hours left of work. Our cost of living raises are here, and I made a 44 cent increase.. Its better than nothing. I just wish I was able to show that I actually got a raise after deductions and taxes come out. Well, I am going to call it a night and will be back on here when I come to work tomorrow night..
Posted by
11:21 PM
I am soooo excited !!!!!
I got a call today from Code Enforcement and I have an interview on October 9th at 3:30pm.. I am so excited and can not wait for it to get here already. I am afraid to get my hopes up in fear of being let down and not getting the job, but I can't help it. I am soooo hopeful that I get the offer and that I am able to get out of Dispatch. I want so bad for a normal life with normal hours. I want to be able to spend time with my family. Spend holidays with my wife and kids and not be sitting at work answering phones. I just have to find something impressive to wear to my interview. I may have to go buy something nice to wear, I don't really have anything nice and interview like. So I will update this and let you know how I did on the interview.
A friend/co-worker had interviewed for a human resources position and found out today that she didn't get the job. I feel really bad for her, as I was really hoping she would have gotten an offer. She wants and needs out of dispatch as bad as I do. I really hope she is able to find something somewhere so she can use her knowledge in a position where she can grow and become even better at what she does. Where we both are now, there really is no chance/room for growth and or advancement.
Not much else to blog about tonight. I will blog more tomorrow while at work.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Well here it is 2:29 pm and I am officially awake for the day. I fell asleep around 9am and slept until 1:30 to my phone Vibrating away. I had 2 missed calls, (thank you Blockbuster for being soo concerned about my late movies) and a text message from Christy asking if my power was out. Luckily my power didn't go out and my A/C was working just fine during my sleep. So I forced myself out of bed and to Blockbuster. I did however get 3 new movies, Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer, 1408 with John Cusack and Two Weeks with Sally Fields. They are all 2 day rentals, So I need to make sure I get them back on time to avoid the freaking phone calls. LOL
Earlier this morning, I added to photo slide shows here. I decided I wanted to show some of the art work that myself and Jordan have drawn. She has drawn some wonderful pictures and I hope she continues to draw and never looses the desire.
I posted last night that I was not going to look at my pager on my two days off, well I am stuck covering the on-call for Wednesday night because we have someone that is not ready to be on-call as planned due to an illness and missed days at work. Oh well what can I do right?
Well it has rained all night and appears most of the morning. As I am sitting here all snuggled in bed under the blankets I can hear thunder rolling outside. Guess we are up for another round of storms.
Other than that , there isn't too much to blog about today. Maybe more will happen that I can blog about tomorrow.
I hope everyone is safe and has a wonderful night...
Posted by
2:28 PM
Figured I would pop up and say Hello to everyone and post some thoughts and quotes I found interesting..
I feel these are the best words to use to describe myself.....
Well today is the start of a new month, new challenges, new adventures and new lows I am sure. Alot has happened during the past month and I have decided to Put it all behind me and Make the best out of what tomorrow will bring. I really liked this Cherokee Indian Proverb.
I guess thats enough of the little pictures cause its making it a long blog for today.
I am still in limbo about the jobs, The job I applied for is no longer posted and it still shows I am in review in human resources. I just don't know what to think about it. Then there is the Sheriff's Office, I have tried and tried to get in touch with the person I need to talk to and he is never in the office.
Ok, I have a gripe, are you ready? Well too bad... My daughter is in 7th grade this year. Well her homework assignment over the weekend was called "The Begging Letter". Let me just say I soooo do not approve of this assignment. She had to write a 5 paragraph letter to one of her parents begging for supplies. Paragraph one, she had to use flattery on the parent to get supplies for her school. Paragraph two, she had to ask for tissues, paragraph three was asking for copy paper, paragraph four was to ask for another item and then paragraph five was to thank the parent for everything they do and to ask them to become a volunteer at the school. Then at the bottom of the assignment sheet it says they will not be graded on the ability to donate items.
I mean come on.. Why are our children having to write letters begging for school supplies for a public school? Where are all the tax dollars and budgets for the school being spent? Not on school supplies etc obviously. I just really do not know how to react to this. It makes me extremely angry that she had to do that.
So I took a break and now its 20 minutes after midnight, all I have to say is:
5 hours and 30 minutes left until I can go home and get some sleep. Well I won't actually go to bed until around 8am once the kids get on the bus and go to school. I did want to try and go to blockbuster and get 2 movies coming out today. Room 1408 and The Silver Surfer... Can't wait to see them... I am off the next 2 days and I am not on call either, so I will pay NO ATTENTION to my pager. I will spend some time working on my blog, really making it look the way I want it to. Something that will grab your attention as soon as you open my page up.
So I am ending this, as I have become bored and am ready to fall asleep. I have to find something to do to keep me awake for the next 5 1/2 hours... I hope you all had a peaceful nights sleep...
Posted by
11:02 PM
Well, lets just say that I am glad that September has come to and end !!!!! It has been a not so pleasant month for me. I am hoping that October is more eventful and promising. It's just been a rough month all around, between bills, stress, bouts of depression and hospital visits. I had 3 hospital visits during this month. 2 with my son because he decided to play with a little metal ball from a magnetics kit and ended up swallowing it. The first visit the xrays were done and the Dr. said it will take 24-48 hours to pass. So we spent several days checking what came out with no ball to be found. We called his regular Dr. 3 days later and are told to bring him back to the hospital for another set of x-rays to make sure it wasn't stuck anywhere and it was ready to pass and by the end of the day we would be the proud parents of a metal ball... WRONG !!! 2 more days pass and finally so did the ball. So then we make it to the 29th with no injuries to kids. Then my 12 year old goes to Adventure Island in Tampa, gets it with a water spray , falls and hits her hand, causing it to swell. By the time she gets home with her friends, she can not move her hand and is in tears. So trip #3 to the hospital comes. We sign in, they do the x-rays first thing and tell us nothing is broken, just hyperextened and swelling to the hand and tendons. We are then told to wait in the waiting room to be seen by the actual Dr's. Well after sitting for a couple hours having over half the room fill up with people, and loud obnoxious kids , I finally went and asked how many more people were before us to be seen and was told 5. We decided since it wasn't broken, it was time to go home and make an appt with the Pediatrician for a follow up. So thats the excitement with the kids over the last month.
I have applied for another county job and still have yet to hear anything. My application is still waiting to be viewed by human resources, so I have decided to go ahead and pursue the possibility of going back to the Sheriff's Office, and that has not been eventful either. I can not catch the person I need to talk to in his office. I have been trying for 8 days now and am ready to just give up on that all together.
So with October being the new fiscal period at work, my wife and I are both getting our cost of living raises. Even though they are not huge raises they are still raises And I am just happy about that. We are waiting for paperwork to apply for a modification of our home loan, so I can hopefully get a new start and not be so behind on my mortgage. I am keeping my fingers that we get approved and something can be done if not the house will be going up for sale by the end of October.. So everyone take a moment and pray that it all works out for us.
Off topic , I am sitting here watching the screen as I type and am noticing things flash on and off below my post when I type and pause. I have noticed that it automatically saves your post as a draft everytime you pause briefly. How cool is that.. LOL yeah, it doesn't take much to amuse me...
Anyways, my wife's Birthday is the 14th of this month and I am trying to come up with a nice gift idea and plan a special night for her and I. Anyone have any ideas, please let me know..
Jordan is having a Halloween party at the house this year, so I have to plan for that, get decorations and all the things to make a great party for a bunch or 11 and 12 year olds. So I will take all the help, advice and donations of decor for this party... I want it to be fun and something she will remember.
Well I think I have went from one topic to another and talked endlessly about things. May have made no sense at some points of tonights blog. But as I have said before, I have ADD of the brain so its half expected. Until the next posting, God Bless and Thanks for allowing me to Blog another day...
Posted by
4:28 AM