I have just received a comment on my post about my 1st graders homework assignments..
Let me post his or her (as they are to afraid to identify them self) comment here at the end of it I will say a little something.
Anonymous said...
Dear complainer....What is the big problem with calling the teacher Dr. The teacher went to college for YEARS and did LOTS of work to EARN that title! Having your child call the teacher Dr is a respect thing...which CLEARLY the child's parent don't understand!!!! If you think it is so easy to get that title, then take your complaining butt off the computer long enough to work and obtain your own title. Second of all, your child should be the most important thing to you. Of all the things you do in life to waste time, you should NEVER complain on the time you invest in your own child... especially when you are teaching him something! The education of a child should be a team effort!YOU SHOULD BE PART OF THE TEAM!!! Parents need to help extend their child's knowledge base...and if you don't want your child to be knowledgable, then don't put the time in with him and sit on your computer and spend hours complaining like you are doing now! It's obvious that this web site took alot of your time to set up! In reading your post, I didn't hear you complain ONE time about the amount of time you had to invest in making this web page; yet, I heard you complain MANY times about having to invest time in helping your child become a better person! Sounds to me like you really need to do a reality check and get your priorities in order!!!!!! It is disrespetful parents like yourself that make the educational system in the United State sink lower and lower in the ranking among other nations. Go ahead and complain in front of your child. Teach him it is 'ok' to be at level with everyone one else and never extend or strive to go above and beyond. Prove to him that education is really not that important to you by whinning about every project instead of looking at them as opportunities for your child to learn new things. You can help make this country, that used to be the leader in the world when it came to new inventions and problem solving, slump lower and lower and depend on other countries (such as China...whose student by the way go to school 7 days a week and are tutored by their parents when they get home from school)for the solutions to tomorrows problems.I can promise you if you spent half as much time helping your child with school as you do complaining on the web and trying to "rally" other parent to not value the investment of time with their own children, you would be done with home work and have spare time to do something productive instead of destructive. And yes ma'am, the actions you are displaying are damaging whether you are intelligent enought to see it or not!!!
June 21, 2008 4:32 AM
Yes, I have put in ALOT of time working on this site, its usually at night when my kids are sound asleep or when I am home alone while trusting my children to said teachers. I have also spent many years raising my children and teaching them what they need to know in life. You want to sit there and tell me I am complaining about wasting time with my children and that I should be a part of the team.. I am more than a part of the team !! I spend countless hours working on projects, homework and attending school functions, volunteering at the schools as well. I am sorry if I do not want to be a part of the team that while I am putting my trust in them to teach and take care of my children during the course of the day, my 6 year old daughter was bit by her teacher in school leaving a ring of teeth marks on her shoulder. I have the pictures to prove it and the police reports to back that. I have a 3rd grader whose teacher was just arrested in January for disorderly conduct and child endangerment in the Class room. So forgive me if I do not totally RESPECT the teachers or want to be a part of "their" team as much as you would like me to. I would have to assume that you are a teacher, but then again maybe your not. Maybe you have some witty Title you like to go by.. But then again, you were not brave enough to list it if you do.
You want to sit there and tell me to get my butt of the computer and get a title for myself. Well have I got news for you , I have a title, I have several titles as a matter of fact, BUT I do not go forcing people to call me by said titles. I would rather be called by my name and keep things on a more personal/friendly level. I do not feel like I am superior over someone because of my titles. But since you would like me to have a title which one should I go by? MA, CMA, RMA, CNA, RN, EMT, FF, PARAMEDIC, CSO or EMD.. These are all titles I have acquired and am actually in the process of acquiring more.. But again, I do not feel I need to be addressed by any of those titles.
So until you are with me 24/7 do not insult my parenting skills just because I complained about projects my 1st grader had to do. And since you think that's complaining, let me guess, You would approve the letter my 7Th grader had to write in Language Arts begging her parents for school supplies because the county budget was not big enough to cover supplies for the students. So there for its OK to teach my children to beg for things? I would NEVER ask or tell my children to beg for anything in life and I do not APPROVE of a stranger teaching my children to beg either...
And let me just add, you are a big and great talker, try using spell check before you submit your rants as I have found some mistakes for you... and I am copying your sentences here.
and if you don't want your child to be knowledgable,
It should be "KNOWLEDEGABLE"
It is disrespetful parents like yourself that make the educational system
This should be DISRESPECTFUL
education is really not that important to you by whinning about every project
And this should be WHINING
And yes ma'am, the actions you are displaying are damaging whether you are intelligent enought to see it or not!!!
And this should be ENOUGH.. .
Oh and this last sentence, you addressed me as Ma'am, Well if you noticed how much time I spent on this website, you would have noticed that I am a Father , not a Mother..
So maybe you should go back to School and learn how to spell and become a little more observant.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
In ref to my post "1st Grade Assignments" from December 8, 2007
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hello Remember Me???
Hello all Remember me??
I am sorry it has been forever since I have blogged anything. But I have been so busy with life getting settled in here in Wausau. I have 2 weeks left in my training at work and then its time to be set free. I am enjoying life here and the fact that I am spending the time being a Dad with my family. I had very little time for that in Florida. My family has grown together more and more since we have moved here. My wife is enjoying being the Stay at home Mom she deserves to be.
I hope you all are doing well, I have been so busy getting settled in and enjoying life being the Dad that I always wanted to be that I have neglected many of you and your blogs. I am going to make it a point to start reading up on you guys and posting again..
In the mean time, enjoy the pictures !!!!

Posted by
6:09 PM
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