I bought a book tonight at Publix titled "DADisms, What he says and What he really means..." by Cathy Hamilton.
I have decided to add a section to the right on my sidebar with a new DADism each week. Make sure you check them out....
I bought a book tonight at Publix titled "DADisms, What he says and What he really means..." by Cathy Hamilton.
I have decided to add a section to the right on my sidebar with a new DADism each week. Make sure you check them out....
Posted by
9:53 PM
I found this picture while surfing the internet after sitting in the same chair for 10 hours at work. I have 2 hours left. Anyways, I thought this picture pretty much sums up the adventures that any parent has while raising kids...
Posted by
4:02 AM
So, last night was very interesting. My sister in law was over visiting and she is a hefty girl. Well my son (7 years old) was telling her she needed to hurry up and have her baby and started telling her what she should name him/her when the baby is born. My brother in law moves over and sits next to my wife and says "I think he thinks she is pregnant" and he and my wife had a good chuckle. Well My wife then says to my son "John, you do know Aunt Tasha is not pregnant and not going to have a baby right now right?" To this my son comes running over to my wife and loudly says "She needs to swallow the same seed you swallowed.
My son then asks where babies come from.. I told my wife to hold off a few days on the answer as I was renting a cute cartoon from Blockbuster called "Where Did I come From" and just to let him watch that.
* If you have kids starting to ask questions, this is a very cute cartoon for them to watch, it used to be a free rental at Blockbuster, you should check it out **
Now let me update you about me. I am sitting on the living room floor folding laundry and this is Where I am trying to hold in the burst of laughter that is starting.
This is the conversation as it continued....
Mom: I didn't swallow any seeds, who told you that?
Brother in law say to sister in law : well she's not a swallower...
Me: collapsed over laundry baskets trying to conceal my laughter...
Son: You told me that..
Mom: No, I told you that Daddy planted a seed in Mommy's tummy.
Son: How does Daddy do that?
Mom: Well, when two people love each other like mommy and daddy, they touch each other in a special way.
Myself, my Brother in Law and Sister in Law are now trying our best to cover the laughter erupting from us..
Son: How does the baby get inside you?
Mom: What do girls have that boys don't?
Son: A butt?? as he giggles
Mom: no everyone has butts, little boys have peepers right?
Son: giggles and agrees
Mom: well Girls don't and that were the baby get in.
Son: looks at her confused and giggling still
Mom: Girls have Woo-Hoo's
Son: What's a Woo-Hoo?
Dad: can no longer control laughter and has tears running out of my eyes as I am collapsed over the laundry baskets.
Mom: When you get a little older , I will explain what a Woo-Hoo is... Go take a shower..
So needless to say, this was a very entertaining night at my house. My son went and took a shower and by the time the Christmas shows started at 8pm, He had lost all interest about where do babies come from..
Posted by
6:39 PM
Well I figured I would go ahead and post the events of my Thanksgiving. So sit down, grab a drink and you might as well run and pee or whatever you need to do before you read.. LOL
Well I worked from 1800-0600hrs Wednesday night so I was not home the night before to get things prepared as usual.
I am the cook in the house, since most of you do not know that
I started running a fever around 2am Thanksgiving morning and by the time I got off at 6am my fever was running 101.9. What made it worse was I had to start cooking as soon as I got home. I ended up going upstairs and sat in the tub with the shower running on hot just to warm myself up because I was freezing thanks to the fever. I came downstairs and started making my stuffing for the Turkey. We were due to leave my house at 11am to go to my sisters house so by 10:30 My daughter Jayme and I were stuffing the turkey.
Posted by
7:10 PM
This is my 7 year old, John. He was playing and singing on my Mom's Keyboard. Is this the workings of the next Musical Artist?
Sorry its in two parts, but new cell phone was not set up to record longer then 15 seconds. ( I found that out after I started recording.)
I hope everyone had a GREAT THANKSGIVING !!!!!
Posted by
1:17 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you reading this. I am Thankful for my family and all my friends both those I know in person and those I know from the Internet world. I am thankful for a number of things in my life which I will not bore you with on here. I was lucky enough to get a vacation day off for Thanksgiving to spend with my family. I have to work until 6am Thanksgiving morning however I do not have to sleep all day to go back to work. My family and I will be going to my sisters house to have a feast with her family and my mom. I am looking forward to it. Its supposed to be in the 80's so the kids will be swimming since my sister has turned on the heater in the pool giving us adults time to sit and visit. All this while at home I will be having a 21 lb turkey cooking in the cooker for us to have left overs of our own at home the next day. I will be doing the whole meal at my house Friday all over again so my wife's Sister and her Husband can come over and eat with us. We will spend the next couple days just eating turkey, ham and all the sides. I am even venturing a little further with the cooking and will be making from scratch dinner rolls like they used to serve in school when I was a kid. So wish me luck that they actually turn out. My Dad and Step mom will be having Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania this year because they are up there hunting with friends of the family. My Step mom and Grandmother will be flying into Orlando on Saturday and I will be picking them up from the airport so they can return home and the men can stay and hunt..
I have finally gotten my replacement cell phone today. When I got off work Monday morning, I had text messages that I was unable to open. My phone would turn off and restart all by itself when I pushed the button to read my messages. I ended up going to Verizon and had them look at it. They informed me that I had gotten a virus on my cell phone and it was covered under the manufacturer's warranty. I had no clue that cell phones could get a virus but guess what.. WELCOME to the computerized world of today. So my new phone came in and I was not able to get all my custom ring tones transferred over which sucks.. But oh well at least I am virus free..
well that's about all I can think of talking about for right now.. So Eat plenty and enjoy the holiday !!!!
Posted by
12:44 AM
I will try and get a better picture with my actual camera and not the cell phone.
Well, My wife and kids have put the tree up and have started decorating for Christmas. I now officially get to stress over trying to get all the Christmas shopping done every time I walk into my living room and see our tree. I am so not looking forward to the Holidays this year because its going to be a very tight year financially. If it were up to me, I would just skip all the Holidays this year and take a break from the stress. But I can't because I have 3 kids looking forward to Christmas morning with 2 of them even more excited about what Santa is going to give them. I just wish I could magically make everything work out and the Holidays not so stressful, but I can't. I get to sit here and stress.
Tonight has been an interesting night at work. I am answering the 911 calls tonight. I have had 2 callers that have made me want to ride with the units responding just so I could beat the tar outta them and maybe knock some "English" common sense into them.
Then I had one call that was coming in and I sat here listening to the phone ring thinking
it was the fax machine and thinking to myself "Self, what hospital is asking for a divert now?" then it dawned on me it was a incoming 911 call.
I hope that over the next two days, I can pull myself together. I am on call Monday and hopefully I will not get called in because I am taking my mom to the DR at 8am and then I have to go and get the grocery shopping done for the regular groceries and then Thanksgiving Dinner.
I will end this post from hell with a good night to all..
Posted by
12:22 AM
Christine and her sister Tasha whose Birthday we celebrated..
I have no clue.. Christine being herself????
my step mother in law, thats her toothbrush holder.. lol
Rockie doing Jello shots
Montser truck.. pic is dark but you can still see
Me next to the truck I want.. look how big the damn tire is
after Christine changed shirts in the bar... She started a trend ,everyone bought shirts and changed.
Rockie starting to change , Tasha holding her shirt
Rockie having problems changing.. I was laughing my ass off and Tasha started to change.
we were doing the midget dance on our knees.. LOL
My brother in-law and I... we had everyone laughing.. LOL
Posted by
8:24 PM
Well last night we went out to celebrate my Sister in-law Tasha's Birthday. We got to sidelines around 7pm. ***This is where I tell you, I had been up for 27 hours and had only planned on making an appearance and then going home***** Well I ordered myself a French Dip and fries for dinner and had a mixed drink called a Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Here is the recipe for it for those of you that want to know what it is.. It was very good.
Posted by
6:25 PM
Well, I guess it has been a few days since I have blogged. So I do have a few things to get everyone caught up on so here goes.......
Lets start with my son's Birthday party. Can we say it was a mess? Yes we can... We only had 1 RSVP from the school invitations and only 1 child from school showed up. Of course we had my Mom, my Father and my Step mother there, with my niece and her friend. John didn't seem to mind however. He enjoyed the play time with his friend Spencer. They were the typical boys running and playing. The party was supposed to be from 2-4 and we were going to order pizza for everyone. I called Pizza City at 1:30 to place my order for 2:00 pick up. Well they answer the phone and say the do not open until 3pm. So it seems like everything we planned was a flop. And to top it off it was a holiday weekend so kids probably had plans with families already. Oh well..
So Sunday night Jordan ends up having a friend spend the night. Said friend has two pet ferrets. I have wanted a ferret for as long as I can remember. Well when I went to pick up her friend the friends mom asked me if I wanted them and if so I could have them and the cages. I got back to the house and asked Christine if I could have them and she said yes. I was soo excited we went back then and there and got them.
The Lighter of the two is named Boxer and he is about 1 year old. The darker is named Lucky and he is about 1 1/2 years old. They are alot of fun to watch and play with. I can sit and just laugh watching them run, hop and play dead in the middle of running.. My Dog Jo Jo barks at them like crazy and is not brave enough to get next to them. The cats could care less whether they are here or not and want nothing to do with them.
This is the cage set up I have for them. I have a 3rd cage to attach to it but with the 3 cages together it is just two wide for the upstairs area. I need to find away to connect it while it sits on top of the one to the left. That will be my project on my next couple days off next week.
Now for the update on Christine. She had an allergic reaction last week to the new heart medication she was switched to and she was on for 2 1/2 days. She had to stop taking it and went for 4 days with out any heart medication. Monday her DR decided to put her back on the original heart medication she started on prior to the switch. He increased it to 2 pills a day at a low dose for now and will gradually increase the dosage strength as she goes. So far it seems to be controlling her heart rate pretty good, lets just hope it stays that way.
My Dad and Step mom are leaving tomorrow for PA and will be there for Thanksgiving. They all go up there for hunting season, So I am hoping for some venison roasts.. I love my venison. My step mom and her mom will be flying home the Saturday after Thanksgiving so I will be picking them up from the Orlando Airport. They have left me their 4 Runner for the time being while they are gone and so I can pick them up from the airport. Let me tell you what. It is soooo nice having the second vehicle. I wish I could afford to get a second one I really do.
Last night at work we all found out we are moving squads around. I will be moving to another squad with my fellow co-worker Phil. I will be loosing my best friend Christine at work because she is moving to a squad that will be on nights for another 4 months and we will no longer be on the same squads. I feel for her having to be stuck on nights AGAIN, I really do. But we still live next to each other and will be able to see each other from time to time I hope.. (you better keep in touch with me Christy). At least until she sells her house and moves somewhere outside of Florida. Speaking of which, my wife has decided that maybe we should move outta Florida. If for any reason at all for the kids sake and raising them somewhere that would be a better area for them to grow up in. I am thinking/hoping North Carolina. She has mentioned that by the end of this coming summer she is wanting to be gone from Florida. So lets see what happens... I hope she holds words because I am sooo ready to go.
I will be working again tomorrow night (3rd night) in a row and I am not looking forward to it. I have one day off and that would be Friday, which is when my Sister in law is having her birthday get together. Soooo I need to make an appearance when I would rather stay home and just rest and relax. I have to work the weekend which sucks. And then life gets worse after the weekend. The kids are outta school all next week. I will be bouncing off the walls and will probably have a child duct taped to the wall more than once over the week. They were home this past Saturday, Sunday and Monday and by Monday, I was ready to have a mental and nervous break down.
Well I guess that should be enough to get everyone up to par with my life over the last week give or take a day or so.. Until my next posting..
As usual, be safe and enjoy life..
Posted by
10:43 PM
My son learned the song "Proud to be an American" Wednesday at school. Christine and I were laying in bed watching t.v. while the kids were getting showered and what not. All of a sudden I hear John just singing away in the shower. We layed there listening for a few then I grabbed my cell and quietly went into the bathroom (the doors were both open making it easier to sneak in). I stood in the sink area of the bathroom and recorded a few seconds of his singing. I have no clue what made him peek out but the curtain all of a sudden opened and he sees me standing there. I started laughing.. He was too cute.
So I have taken tomorrow off so this will be my second weekend in a row off. Christine and the kids are all off and outta school Monday due to the holiday so We all have a 3 day weekend together. John is having his birthday party at the house Sunday from 2-4 pm. Hopefully some kids will show up. We sent 12 invitations to school and so far only have 1 RSVP. I really hope that some more kids show up. We will see.
There are times in life when everything gets a little over whelming. And I am thinking right about now its one of those times. I am really wanting a break from life for just one day. I just want to escape for a day or night. I am ready to go buy a small tent and just go camp somewhere overnight by myself. No t.v.s, no cell phones, no work no nothing. I want peace and quiet and some alone time. Time to just clear my mind and relax. But that will never happen. Its kinda hard to do when you have a family and 4 kids.
Well that's all for tonight, just wanted to post my son's singing debut, maybe I have a country star in the works and he can take care of Mommy and Daddy with his success.. LOL
Peace to all....
Posted by
11:10 PM
Well today, November 6th, my son the youngest of the bunch turns 7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY, I LOVE YOU !!!!!! It is so hard to believe that he is 7 years old already. It seems like he was just learning how to walk. Before I know it , he will be graduating High School. ( As I sit here and smile ever so slightly at the thought the last child growing up and my house belonging to my wife and I once again. The thought of cheaper grocery shopping trips, the freedom to go to dinner, the movies or a mini vacation whenever we want........) OK, back to reality... LOL We are just planning on having a small party at the house on Sunday. He brought 12 invitations to school yesterday for the 12 friends he wants to invite. I hope some show up since his cousins here in town are all high school age so its not that easy to get them to show to a younger kids party...
I also want to add that I am soooo proud of my kids for their success in school. Report cards came out and John (1st grade) , Jayme (3rd grade) and Jordan (7th grade) all got straight A's and B's on their report cards !!!!! WAY TO GO KIDS , LETS KEEP IT UP......
Here is were I am going to vent a little about kids.... Jordan on Friday was sitting on the concrete roadside drain when the dogs leash knocked her cell phone out of her hand and you guessed it, right into the storm drain. She comes and wakes me up from my sleep since I worked that night, I go out side in my pajamas and look into the drain and see nothing but water. I tell her there is not much I can do and return to the house. (mind you the drain is right in my front yard on the corner.) So when I got off work at 6am Saturday morning I wasn't tired so I just sat in bed. it was around 730 and I drug my wife to the above mentioned storm drain to pry the manhole cover off the top. She spots the cell phone and I reach in with a fish net from my aquarium and pull out a cell phone that is just full of water.. And what really sucks is we didn't have the insurance on the phones like we thought so we were going to have to pay more money for a replacement. I decided at this point I was starving, so my wife and I woke the kids up and I called my Father and Step Mom and asked if they wanted to meet in Haines City for breakfast, which they did so we all met. It was a little mom/pop type joint called John's and it was a very good buffet breakfast. Well worth the drive.. (why am I telling you this with the cell phone story, well it all adds up to whats next) Jordan whom appears to still be fighting a cold or something was a little moody on the 35 minute ride back to Kissimmee to get the replacement phone. We get to the Verizon store and the cheapest phones were just over 100 bucks, so I told her if I am going to have to spend alot of money on a replacement phone, then her Mother or I would get a nice phone and she could have ours... AND LET THE POUTING BEGIN !!!!
Well the store ended up cutting a deal with us, charged us a $50 fee like they would if I had the insurance for the same phones as we all now have but in black. I also had to buy a new battery so I spent a total of $85 bucks. Ok , so here comes some more pouting by Jordan because they had to give her the battery cover from her old phone to put on her replacement phone. Now if you remember I said the replacement phone was black. The old phone was red so now she has a black phone with a red back, IT'S THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT !!!! So I proceed to tell her, I will take her phone away from her and she does not need one if she can not be thankful for what she does get. ** SIDE NOTE , I am now steaming mad cause over the last 3 weeks we spent around $500 on her Halloween party, contacts and glasses and replacement cell phone ***
New paragraph because here is were the fun begins. We are now about 10 minutes from the house and my wife informs Jordan and Jayme that they are switching chores a day early (Jordan on kitchen duty and Jayme on living room duty) OMG I had 2 girls in the back seat of my little bitty Honda Civic start bawling like there is no tomorrow. *** My nerves are now slowly snapping from being stretched to the point *** I just do not understand how kids can be so ungrateful at times and not appreciate the things they are given and the things that are done for them. They just want more more more... I love my kids with all my heart BUT I did not raise my kids to be like this, where are they getting it from? School? Friends? Where???
Ok, enough negativity here moving to Saturday night now....
We took my Brother in-law and Sister in-law (my wife's sister/husband) out to dinner for his birthday. We also had another friend "Gary" come along, his wife backed out last minute. We went to Sweet Tomatoes in Orlando. It was very good and our first time going. It was on the lines of buffet but with soup, salad, pasta bar and dessert bar. It was a very busy place and the food was GREAT. I will definitely go there again sometimes..
Sunday we went to the Grocery store and for 2 weeks worth of food for the house and stuff for kid's packed lunches we walked out of there spending $380.00 . This is just crazy that it costs so much now adays to eat and feed a family. The good thing is I saved $67 dollars from the buy one get free and the other sale items they had. I can't wait until my kids are grown and on their own and my wife and I can go and spend $100 bucks for 2 weeks or more .. LOL Wouldn't that be nice? ? ? Or we could just go eat dinner at our kid's houses instead..
I am now at work its 0145 in the morning on Tuesday the 6th and I AM TIRED AND READY FOR BED. We have a new hire that has been here for about 45 days and she has been late/sick/taken off/or went home sick for 15 of those days. Today she called and said she would be late. We start at 1800 hrs(6pm) and 8 hours later she is still not here.. This girl just needs to throw in the towel and call it quits. It is time to move on...
I reckon this is enough rambling on. I am sure I lost some of you after the first paragraph, for those of you that are still here and reading, THANKS, you are great friends...
Take care and be safe and remember when no one else does or your having a bad day that "I LOVE YOU"
Later !!!!!!
Posted by
12:54 AM
I can officially say that the weekend is here and I do not have to work AND I am not on call. I am also off next weekend as and again I am not on call....
This weekend we are planning on relaxing Saturday and then take my Sister and Brother in-law out to dinner for his Birthday. We are going to go to Sweet Tomato's in Orlando. Gary and his wife may also come with us. Hopefully we will all have a good time and Gary will not get called to in for an injunction or purge since he is on call Saturday night. Sunday we are planning on going to Busch Gardens and spending the day there in Tampa.
Next weekend we are planning on doing a birthday party for John. He is going to be 7 on The 6th (this coming Tuesday). They grow up so quick. I am thinking we should maybe have a party at the bowling alley and let him and his friends have fun for a couple hours. Beats having to clean the house after a party.
Well I guess I will end this for now, Waiting for my co-worker "Christy" to put Licensed to Wed on... She is stuck watching the Jay Leno show on T.V. with the Back Street Boys singing... I could have gone the rest of my life without having to watch them on T.V. HA HA HA HA HA
Posted by
12:25 AM
Well, here it is November 1st and a new month. I had posted previously that September has come to and end, and it was a new month and I was going to have a new outlook.. Let me just say I did have a new outlook and for what? Nothing has changed everything is the same its just 31 days later. I was really hoping things would have changed for the better over the last month and it didn't... Oh well that just shows that life goes on and what happens , happens.
Last night we went to my sisters for trick or treating with the kids. We did a hayride for the festivities. All had a great time and all the kids we had about 10 kids had gotten at least 5lbs of candy each. They will be set for awhile. We got started around 7:30ish and didn't get back to the house until 10pm. When we got back we had a nice spread of food and drinks. It was all in all a fun time had by all.
Thats it for now.. Peace out...
Posted by
8:45 PM