Well, I guess it has been a few days since I have blogged. So I do have a few things to get everyone caught up on so here goes.......
Lets start with my son's Birthday party. Can we say it was a mess? Yes we can... We only had 1 RSVP from the school invitations and only 1 child from school showed up. Of course we had my Mom, my Father and my Step mother there, with my niece and her friend. John didn't seem to mind however. He enjoyed the play time with his friend Spencer. They were the typical boys running and playing. The party was supposed to be from 2-4 and we were going to order pizza for everyone. I called Pizza City at 1:30 to place my order for 2:00 pick up. Well they answer the phone and say the do not open until 3pm. So it seems like everything we planned was a flop. And to top it off it was a holiday weekend so kids probably had plans with families already. Oh well..
So Sunday night Jordan ends up having a friend spend the night. Said friend has two pet ferrets. I have wanted a ferret for as long as I can remember. Well when I went to pick up her friend the friends mom asked me if I wanted them and if so I could have them and the cages. I got back to the house and asked Christine if I could have them and she said yes. I was soo excited we went back then and there and got them.
The Lighter of the two is named Boxer and he is about 1 year old. The darker is named Lucky and he is about 1 1/2 years old. They are alot of fun to watch and play with. I can sit and just laugh watching them run, hop and play dead in the middle of running.. My Dog Jo Jo barks at them like crazy and is not brave enough to get next to them. The cats could care less whether they are here or not and want nothing to do with them.
This is the cage set up I have for them. I have a 3rd cage to attach to it but with the 3 cages together it is just two wide for the upstairs area. I need to find away to connect it while it sits on top of the one to the left. That will be my project on my next couple days off next week.
Now for the update on Christine. She had an allergic reaction last week to the new heart medication she was switched to and she was on for 2 1/2 days. She had to stop taking it and went for 4 days with out any heart medication. Monday her DR decided to put her back on the original heart medication she started on prior to the switch. He increased it to 2 pills a day at a low dose for now and will gradually increase the dosage strength as she goes. So far it seems to be controlling her heart rate pretty good, lets just hope it stays that way.
My Dad and Step mom are leaving tomorrow for PA and will be there for Thanksgiving. They all go up there for hunting season, So I am hoping for some venison roasts.. I love my venison. My step mom and her mom will be flying home the Saturday after Thanksgiving so I will be picking them up from the Orlando Airport. They have left me their 4 Runner for the time being while they are gone and so I can pick them up from the airport. Let me tell you what. It is soooo nice having the second vehicle. I wish I could afford to get a second one I really do.
Last night at work we all found out we are moving squads around. I will be moving to another squad with my fellow co-worker Phil. I will be loosing my best friend Christine at work because she is moving to a squad that will be on nights for another 4 months and we will no longer be on the same squads. I feel for her having to be stuck on nights AGAIN, I really do. But we still live next to each other and will be able to see each other from time to time I hope.. (you better keep in touch with me Christy). At least until she sells her house and moves somewhere outside of Florida. Speaking of which, my wife has decided that maybe we should move outta Florida. If for any reason at all for the kids sake and raising them somewhere that would be a better area for them to grow up in. I am thinking/hoping North Carolina. She has mentioned that by the end of this coming summer she is wanting to be gone from Florida. So lets see what happens... I hope she holds words because I am sooo ready to go.
I will be working again tomorrow night (3rd night) in a row and I am not looking forward to it. I have one day off and that would be Friday, which is when my Sister in law is having her birthday get together. Soooo I need to make an appearance when I would rather stay home and just rest and relax. I have to work the weekend which sucks. And then life gets worse after the weekend. The kids are outta school all next week. I will be bouncing off the walls and will probably have a child duct taped to the wall more than once over the week. They were home this past Saturday, Sunday and Monday and by Monday, I was ready to have a mental and nervous break down.
Well I guess that should be enough to get everyone up to par with my life over the last week give or take a day or so.. Until my next posting..
As usual, be safe and enjoy life..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It's been a few days since I was here last....
Posted by
10:43 PM
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