PG aka Pat Glennon from Annoyingly Boring tagged me with a meme today (Pat has tasked me with my very first meme...Thanks Pat). I was pleased to see that he wrote some nice things about me and some fellow newbie bloggers. So I guess I will follow through with the meme.
The rules for this one are:
Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself.
Tag 7 (4) random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So without further ado….
1. I Was born a preemie. I was born on February 9Th, five weeks before I was planned on entering the world. For the first five weeks of my life I lived in an incubator to help me breath and develop my lungs.
2. I Have the ability to wiggle my ears. I can wiggle them one at a time or together. I can actually sit and wiggle both ears separately to the beat of a song I am listening to. Its actually quit comical to watch. I have no clue how I taught myself to do this or why I even figured out how to do this. But I can and many people can not ....
3. I am a collector of the movie "Toy Story" Paraphernalia. I have all the toys they sold in stores. I have digital watches, card board advertisement signs, action figures etc. My favorite toy from the movie is my Slinky Dog.
4. I was born in Lantana, Florida lived there until I was 6. We then moved to Kissimmee (Central Florida) and that is where I spent my next 26 years of my life. I have only visited a total of 6 other states. I saw snow for the very first time 2 weeks ago while my wife and I were on vacation in Wisconsin (my 6Th state I visited) And By the end of February I will be living in Wisconsin.
5. I dressed in drag once. When I was a senior in high school our school had a pep rally called "Man of the 80's". I was asked to represent the year book staff for an event. I said sure why not. Not knowing what the event was going to be. After I promised and agreed I was then informed that I would be having 4 girls dress me in woman's clothes, put make up on me and make me walk around the gym in a mini skirt, shirt , jewelry, make up and High heel shoes. I am just thankful that I have not seen any pictures of that floating around. Oh and that is where I learned I was allergic to the make up they put all over my face..
6. My Sister and I are the second generation to be born in the U.S.A of my family. My Mom and Dad were born here. My Mom's Parents are from Finland and my Dad's Parents are from Poland. How cool is that? LOL
7. OK... I must be a dead beat, cause I am struggling for fact #7...
I try my best to be a great father/husband and friend.
Once I become friends with someone I am a friend for a life time. I have several friends that I have been best friends with for 20+ years and I am always looking for more friends.
Well, there you have it! I have spent the last 3 hours trying to complete 7 random facts about me.
Now, who to tag?
I am going to follow PG’s lead and do just 4 people. I want to call out….
Christy from
Darren from
Gabe from
Matthew from
Don’t hate me guys! You all have great sites and I smile when your new content turns up in my reader. I look forward to learning more about you guys.
And now I am off to comment on their sites to let them know.
My first meme in the books, I hope you enjoyed it. I did.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Seven Random Facts.....
Posted by
12:32 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
One word "HAIR"

Why the hell am I getting hairs there? What is the purpose of them? So now I have an added chore of periodically shaving the edges of my ears.. LOL that must be a hilarious mental picture I put in your heads. Moving on from the ears to the eyebrows. Can we say unwanted uni brow?

I know you can, say it with me, "Unwanted UNI-BROW" Very good... My eyebrows are not that dark in color but still, I am getting very blond hairs connecting my 2 eyebrows together.. Again another chore of having to get rid of that hair. Just below the eyebrows there is that nose. I have gone all day with no sign of a hair and then all of a sudden I will start rubbing and rubbing cause what I think is a mustache hair curling up tickling my nose ends up being the monster nose hair. How does something grow that freaking fast to where it sticks out as far as it has been found protruding out of my nostril. Here is a VERY IMPORTANT tip. DO NOT , I repeat DO NOT pull that one little nose hair by accident because it is powerful enough to bring a grown man to tears and in the fetal position. So my wife has ordered and given me this nifty little nose

WARNING, does not trim as good as you think, it does pull hair from time to time and there I lay in the fetal position on my bathroom floor. I just want to say Thank Goodness that as of this posting I have not had the nightmare of back hair. I asked my wife a few months ago that If I had started to grow back hair would she shave it for me? Her reply..." HELL NO, I WILL DIVORCE YOU." I am so not feeling the love from my wife.

Posted by
4:39 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Some Vacation Pics
Christine and I. Our first morning there. I love this picture...

This would be My Best Friend Sean and I as we were walking around his acreage.. I was a beautiful view of nothing but snow.....

Was going to fall backwards and make a snow angel, but Sean just told me I would be soaking wet from the type of snow on the ground.

Christine scrapping the snow off the top of the deer feeders...

If only I had my Camo jacket on, then you couldn't see me hiding.. LOL

Christine throwing snow up in the middle of the woods.. We had a great 5 days there. We had highs in the upper 20's and it was just a nice relaxing get away. The flights all in all were good. Had a little turbulence on the way up. On the last flight home it was a completely full plane. No room at all. But it was good to get home and see my kids. I missed them so much while I was up there.
We also went and saw the Packer Stadium and took the following pics.
The Lambeau Field Stadium. It is huge. I have never been inside an actual stadium like this before. We walked around the inside of the atrium. I was really wanting to see the field, but you have to pay for a tour to see it. I will have to do the tour once I am there. I am a MAJOR PACKERS FAN !!!!
This is just inside the atrium. The floor is designed to look like the actual field with the yard lines and end zone markings. The interesting part is, whatever line you are standing on, it is actually lined up with the exact line on the field.
This is the front and main entrance to the Lambeau Field Atrium.
G-FORCE all the way !!!!
Just a close up on the top of the atrium.
Had to get a picture with the Cheese head. This was actually at the St Paul airport waiting for our changeover flight.
Sean standing on the frozen river. It was about 8" of ice we were standing on.
My first picture standing in the Snow !!!! and on a river at that.. LOL
This is Sean and his youngest son Bryce. Bryce was my fill in son while I missed mine. He was my buddy the whole time.. LOL
This is Sean, Dakota(the oldest) and Bryce (the youngest)

This was the view from our bedroom window the First morning we woke up..

I had a good laugh over his bbq grill. covered in snow and a Bud Light can still sitting on it..

Here is the House we found and are looking to get ....

This is the front of the house. It looks small, but its actually a 1 1/2 story plus the full basement.

Here is my back yard and if you look right where the Date is you will see the HOT TUB !!!!!!!!!!! I am finally getting my hot tub... LOL
Everyone is invited to come have a good soaking with us...

This is the living room, Gotta have a fireplace too.. OH and hardwood floors...

Here is the Kitchen. Its not huge, but it is big enough to entertain with.

This is the top floor. The upper floor is the entire Master Suite. This pic shows one side of the master bedroom.
All in All, its a 5 bedroom, 3 bath 2 1/2 story if you count the basement as a floor.. We love the house and have talked to the realtor already and he is willing to work with us during my job interview process..
JOB INTERVIEW you ask? YES Job Interview. I have a Job interview with Marathon County for a 911 Telecommunicator position. I have been talking with Human Resources daily and They informed me yesterday that I am in the Top 10 out of 40 plus applicants. The interview process is over a period of days for testing, interviews, etc. Human Resources has spoken to the supervisor of the department and explained how costly it would be for me to fly back and forth several times and they are all willing to do all my testings and interview all on the same day. January 14Th. I am so freaking excited I can not describe how excited I am. I would get hired in making more than I am here in Florida, get a raise in 6 , 18 and 30 months. My house payment in Wisconsin would be 1/3 the cost of my current house payment. Isn't that sad?? My kids are all excited about the move. Jordan is going to fly back to Wisconsin with me on Jan 12Th so she can see the area while I am interviewing and testing.
Well, That's about all for now. I will post more Sunday night When I finally go back to work.
I want to apologize to you all for not reading/commenting on your most recent posts. But I promise I will bet caught up Sunday night at work..
Have a Great day/night!!!!
Posted by
1:33 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Back from vacation...
I am back from vacation. It was beautiful up in Wisconsin. I will be posting pictures and blog more later. Just want to get settled back in the swing of things here at home..
Later all....
Posted by
3:16 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
For Sale, Teenagers and life.....
Well, Today I have officially put my house on the market for sale. I am not looking forward to the people that will be coming off and on to look at my house. I am not looking forward to having to keep it clean on a daily basis. Which I think is going to be very hard to do with 3 kids, 2 cats and a dog living in it. It is going to be a challenge but we will keep up with it. I hope.. LOL
Unlike most of you who come and read my rambling on, I do not have babies/toddlers in my house. I have a 19 year old who has temporarily moved home with her girlfriend until they can find a place to live. Who feels she has the right to come home well after 1am in the morning and all she has to do is Knock on a bedroom window to get someone to let her in. I have told her time and time again if she is not in the house by 11pm then she doesn't get in at all. Well She knocks on my mother in laws bedroom window to be let in. Of course the MIL gets up and lets her in. There are nights when she has some of her friends come over and they will hang out in the driveway in the wee morning hours talking. I don't find this out until the neighbors mention to me they were outside. Why is it she feels like she can come home and live how she wants etc. That's the reason she moved out at the age 17 because she didn't want to live by our rules. She is putting so much stress on my wife and I because I won't tolerate the behavior and my wife who doesn't want her daughter living on the street.. WHAT DO I DO???
I have My in-betweenie. She is 12 and driving me insane. She is Miss Popular and has to be invited to everything that fellow in-betweenies have and has hosted several functions at our own house. She has attended party after party and Just got invited to a pool party tomorrow after school. We have decided we are going to have her skip this party. Can we say "THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END?" she has thrown the best pre-teen fit a child can throw. Hell I think California received tremors from this fit that was thrown. I bet if I Google searched her, she would show up for the next "Best Supporting Actress" in a mini series of life.. LOL
She told gave my wife the biggest guilt trip possible too after I went to work. Boy she knows how to work the system at home doesn't she?
So while I am on the topic of kids... Let me go ahead and include Jayme and John tonight too. Sunday night while I was at work, my wife informed my today that Jayme (8years) is locked in her bedroom. When Mom goes to check on her she has to convince Jayme to unlock the door which she does and Jayme is bawling her eyes out. Mom then has to get her calmed down enough before asking her to please tell her whats wrong so she can figure out what to do. Jayme then looks up at her all Teary eyed and says... Are you ready for this???
"I Don't want you to fly up to Wisconsin...." Now this is the First trip my wife and I have taken anywhere alone I many many many years. My wife's heart melts right there. She calms Jayme down and tells her its only for a little while and it will go by fast. So once Jayme is in bed and settled and John is in bed, Mom crawls into bed to call it a night. ENTER the in-betweenie Jordan, Bawling her eyes out. Mom again has to calm crying child down enough to find out what boy broke her heart? what Girl said something nasty to her? Jordan then tells Mom that she just watched a video on Myspace about animals being tortured and beat. Now Jordan who wants to be a veterinarian and any animal domestic or wild has a natural attachment to her is just devastated by this. Mom to the rescue tells Jordan that there are some very mean people in the world and They will get what the deserve when their judgement day arrives. Jordan stops her tears and resigns to her room. I am so glad Mom was home to handle the tears. LOL
Well Today is Tuesday. I work tonight and tomorrow night and Then I am officially on vacation Until December 22ND. 10 days of NOT having to work. 4 more days until we fly to Wisconsin. I am getting nervous with all these ice storms and snow storms in those areas. Are we going to be able to fly in OK? Will I be able to fly out? I hope everything is smooth flying in and out. I want a stress free vacation.
Well I suppose that's all I have to ramble on about tonight.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Worlds Best Friend Award
“Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes?
They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS.
Its ‘World Best Friend Week’.
Send this to your best friends to let them know you appreciate them. “
Your Love is Ur Heart,
Your heart is Ur Spouse,
Your spouse is Ur Future,
Your future is Ur Destiny,
Your destiny is Ur Ambition,
Your ambition is Ur Aspiration,
Your aspiration is Ur Motivation,
Your motivation is Ur Belief,
Your belief is Ur Peace,
Your peace is Ur Target,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.
I’ll pass this on to:
Posted by
10:08 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Trying to be a man... Is it working?
What do you think? I am attempting to due the full beard thing. I have for many years only had the Goatee. Its slow growing , but its growing none the less. I decided to grow it when I booked my flights to Wisconsin. Am afraid of freezing my face off.. LOL
So let me know what you think. Should I keep it or Shave it?
Posted by
10:53 AM
You have been Mooned !!!!!!!!!
Posted by
5:30 AM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
1 week from today...
One week from today I will be in Merrill, Wisconsin. When I got off work at 6am this morning, this is what the Temps were there. I am really starting to re-think this whole trip considering I have NEVER really seen snow before. I am going to freeze to death..
Posted by
5:50 AM
My Thoughts and Prayers for Christy.....
Posted by
1:36 AM
1st Grade homework assignments
Okay, here is where I am going to vent/complain/gripe about home work assignments.
My son is currently in 1st grade and has a teacher that goes by DR. Has to have those 2 letters in front of her name on EVERY thing she sends home. If you are so proud of your Title, then teach at a college or something, after all the work you are sending home is not 1st grade related.
Each week, John comes home with a piece or thick art paper that has a little note attached from said DR. All projects are due in by Friday of that week. OK, here is where you are saying sounds simple, why is he complaining? Well, these projects end up having to be done by the parents due to the level of requested task. I have talked with other parents who have children in the same class and they all agree that these projects are a little much for 1st graders. Anyways these projects are mostly done by the parents and the children at most either glue things to the paper or draw at their best and color pictures.
One assignment wanted the kids to look in magazines, newspapers and the Internet for pictures showing different types of weather, example: windy, rainy, sunny etc. Well we do not have magazines sent to the house nor the newspaper. So we are stuck going online and searching for pictures for him to glue to this paper. Then he has to write under each picture what it is.. OK so this one is not that bad. It gets better.
Second assignment, has to find pictures of Bugs and Insects and then write under each one what is a bug and what is an insect. OK, last I know bugs were insects and insects were bugs right? Again , no magazines at home, so here sits dad on the computer Google searching bugs and insects. Well I'll be Damned, there are different pictures listed for bugs and insects. I still am failing to see what the difference is. They are all creepy looking and need to be sprayed with RAID in my opinion. But I printed out, cut out and then we glued. Now if you remember he is supposed to write bug/insect under each picture. ARRRGGGGHHHH forgot which was which and am ready to throw the project in the garbage. But me being the "Patient" father I am , researched the bugs and insects and we titled them appropriately.
Project number 3, Abstract art. He had to blend several colors together and make an abstract art. Here is our conversation...
Dad: Do you know what an abstract art is?
Son: A What?
Dad: AB-Stract art?
Son: No.
Dad: Did DR Blankity Blank teach you in class what Abstract art is?
Son: No
Dad: Your not learning about painting and colors?
Son: No
OK, I am ready to scream at this point. So I took a few moments to let him know they wanted him to blend colors and make this picture called an Abstract art.
OK, he said he understood and went to work at the kitchen table with the paints and the paper he was sent home with. The completed picture turned out Black with very small streaks of color here and there. Guess he really Blended the colors. My kitchen table on the other hand, looks like a wonderful abstract art. Can I just send the table in as his project?
Fourth project: POLLUTION
He had to draw a before and after picture of pollution. My conversation with him about pollution and learning about pollution was about the same as the abstract art. I finally said, OKAY !! I drew a line down the middle of the paper dividing it into 2 sides. I said on this side draw a pond with fish and plants and no garbage. On this other side draw the same pond with fish, plants and alot of garbage all over. I will take a picture of his pollution project and post it sometime tomorrow when I wake up after work.
Oh and I forgot about the very first project , here he had to write about a career choice and why he wanted it. Ummm HELLO, he is 7 years old and shouldn't be concerned about that right yet.
Maybe its just me, cause after I sit here and re-read this, they do not seem all that bad, but when its time to do them it is. Maybe this is a whole new level of 1st grade then when my other 3 kids were in first grade.
Posted by
12:02 AM