Well, Today I have officially put my house on the market for sale. I am not looking forward to the people that will be coming off and on to look at my house. I am not looking forward to having to keep it clean on a daily basis. Which I think is going to be very hard to do with 3 kids, 2 cats and a dog living in it. It is going to be a challenge but we will keep up with it. I hope.. LOL
Unlike most of you who come and read my rambling on, I do not have babies/toddlers in my house. I have a 19 year old who has temporarily moved home with her girlfriend until they can find a place to live. Who feels she has the right to come home well after 1am in the morning and all she has to do is Knock on a bedroom window to get someone to let her in. I have told her time and time again if she is not in the house by 11pm then she doesn't get in at all. Well She knocks on my mother in laws bedroom window to be let in. Of course the MIL gets up and lets her in. There are nights when she has some of her friends come over and they will hang out in the driveway in the wee morning hours talking. I don't find this out until the neighbors mention to me they were outside. Why is it she feels like she can come home and live how she wants etc. That's the reason she moved out at the age 17 because she didn't want to live by our rules. She is putting so much stress on my wife and I because I won't tolerate the behavior and my wife who doesn't want her daughter living on the street.. WHAT DO I DO???
I have My in-betweenie. She is 12 and driving me insane. She is Miss Popular and has to be invited to everything that fellow in-betweenies have and has hosted several functions at our own house. She has attended party after party and Just got invited to a pool party tomorrow after school. We have decided we are going to have her skip this party. Can we say "THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END?" she has thrown the best pre-teen fit a child can throw. Hell I think California received tremors from this fit that was thrown. I bet if I Google searched her, she would show up for the next "Best Supporting Actress" in a mini series of life.. LOL
She told gave my wife the biggest guilt trip possible too after I went to work. Boy she knows how to work the system at home doesn't she?
So while I am on the topic of kids... Let me go ahead and include Jayme and John tonight too. Sunday night while I was at work, my wife informed my today that Jayme (8years) is locked in her bedroom. When Mom goes to check on her she has to convince Jayme to unlock the door which she does and Jayme is bawling her eyes out. Mom then has to get her calmed down enough before asking her to please tell her whats wrong so she can figure out what to do. Jayme then looks up at her all Teary eyed and says... Are you ready for this???
"I Don't want you to fly up to Wisconsin...." Now this is the First trip my wife and I have taken anywhere alone I many many many years. My wife's heart melts right there. She calms Jayme down and tells her its only for a little while and it will go by fast. So once Jayme is in bed and settled and John is in bed, Mom crawls into bed to call it a night. ENTER the in-betweenie Jordan, Bawling her eyes out. Mom again has to calm crying child down enough to find out what boy broke her heart? what Girl said something nasty to her? Jordan then tells Mom that she just watched a video on Myspace about animals being tortured and beat. Now Jordan who wants to be a veterinarian and any animal domestic or wild has a natural attachment to her is just devastated by this. Mom to the rescue tells Jordan that there are some very mean people in the world and They will get what the deserve when their judgement day arrives. Jordan stops her tears and resigns to her room. I am so glad Mom was home to handle the tears. LOL
Well Today is Tuesday. I work tonight and tomorrow night and Then I am officially on vacation Until December 22ND. 10 days of NOT having to work. 4 more days until we fly to Wisconsin. I am getting nervous with all these ice storms and snow storms in those areas. Are we going to be able to fly in OK? Will I be able to fly out? I hope everything is smooth flying in and out. I want a stress free vacation.
Well I suppose that's all I have to ramble on about tonight.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
For Sale, Teenagers and life.....
Posted by
10:20 PM
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You got your hands full man.
I don't know what you should do, but perhaps some tough love is in order for your 19 year old. If you neighbors are pissed off at them, call the cops saying they are making too much noise or whatever - I am sure your neighbors probably want to.
Like I said, don't know if that is the right call. - just a thought that popped into my head. Show her some consequences.
I have so much 'fun' yet to look forward to.
Hang in there and try to enjoy life!
The problem is I never know they are outside until after the fact. The neighbors are not mad, just sorta letting me know...
Whoa man… I need a drink. On your behalf. If I were going through what you’re going thru right now, my blog post would simply be:
OPWQMXKAsxiqhwygsfqwsb’q onsq
(that’s me. Pounding on the keyboard.)
Hang in there, man. Looks like you’re a guy who can handle things.
WOW! I think I would just let the 19 year old write down what she wants from your relationship and if it isn't what your 'house' rules are then I would penalize her monetarily for each rule infraction she decides she will continue to pull...talking outside with her friends is at least worth $150 per month in my mind. If she refuses to pay or doesn't pay on time, I don't know maybe post a made up eviction notice on her door and put her stuff on the lawn until she complies? LOL. Just brainstorming. Best of luck with the 12 year old and the drama...geesh. Hope the trip happens and the house sells and all of your dreams come true! Peace.
Jim - Did you enjoy the drinks? I will come have a couple with you anytime you want.
Joe - I would love to charge her for infractions, HOWEVER she does not have a Job and I would just end up paying myself. What fun is that?
The 12 year old has her drama and moves on with life, I love her to death.
Thanks for the Good wishes on the move and job..
Hey John -
Found your site via BusyDad...You have a great site, man! Good luck in Wisconsin...
I can totally relate to your frustrations...my 19 year old "brother-in-law" moved in with us almost two years ago, and it has been a nightmare...I have suggested a plane ticket home to FL several times, but it hasn't happened yet...But, no matter how "bad" it gets, I refuse to make him "homeless"...*grrr*....I agree with BusyDad...a drink is in order!
Take Care!
MrJourneyman (from His2Dads)
Thanks for stopping by. It makes for a hard life when you have a 19 year old in your house right? LOL
I will be checking out your site as well..
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