Saturday, January 26, 2008

I am an IPOD victim .....

Well, I have managed to last as long as I could. On Thursday night we broke down and became an IPOD victim. I would have never bought one for myself only because I did not see why I should pay money for a brand name. Well my brand new 13 year old Daughter has been asking for once since Christmas time. She has wanted an IPOD Nano and thus far I have been successful in not getting her one. Well Her Birthday was January 20th and she got $70 bucks cash from Grandma and Grandpa and her Nana. My wife has decided we would pay the difference. We found them on sale at Staples for $149. I spent last night trying to set the time and date, etc. Let me tell you what.. WHY of WHY did I avoid buying one of these? This thing is pretty kewl and I now want one for myself... I have included a picture of my Daughter with her new IPOD. Could she look any happier? LOL


Anonymous said...

Hahah. Sometimes you just have to break down and go for it. My hubby won a nano in a company Christmas raffle and has been playing with it since. He even went out and got me an iPhone.... but that was an attempted bribe since he wants a new motorcycle.

And no, 8:15 is not too early to hop. lol

Anonymous said...

Your daughter did better than mine. I got my soon to be 13 year old an Insignia player (supports wireless bluetooth - very cool) for Christmas. She wanted the iPod but I just couldn't bring myself to support Steve Jobs.

I guess I'm more of a Linux hippie than anything else. :)

Chas - (blog hoppin')

me... said...

WAY TO GO JORDAN!!! I love my nano too!!! Finally, DAD!!

James Grayson said...

We held out for years on buying an iPod. I bought a cheaper mp3 player and used it rarely because I didn't like the way it operated. For Christmas I bought my wife an iPod Classic with 80GB so I could have my own playlist in it. I finally got to use it for 30 minutes today and it's pretty sweet! Don't know why we held out so long.

BlogHopping with :beer: !!!!

Chick said...

ah...welcome to the cult. my addiction to the world of ipods and itunes is well-documented

happy bloghoppin~

Johnny said...

CABLEGIRL - Did he get the Motorcycle? Maybe I should by the Wifie a I-PHONE.

CHAS - I avoided it as long as I could... But this thing is Pretty Awesome !!!!

CHRISTY - Don't you dare let your daughter talk to her and tell her about all the other kewl gadgets out there !!!! LOL

QJ :Beer: - We did the mp3 player things too.. The last ipod shuffle we bought her last christmas made its way in the washing machine since it was clipped to her jacket.

CHRISTINE - I will not become ADDICTED .. or will I ? LOL

Anonymous said...

We did the same just last week. My 15 year old wanted one - had to wait until his birthday too - didn't have enough cash himself so we added the rest.
Now he hardly speaks to us, what with the flippin' X Box and now the i-pod.