Thursday, January 31, 2008

My last day at work.....

So today is my last day at work. My co-workers have bought me a cake. I really did not think it was going to be this much of a emotional roller coaster ride. But I am here to tell you that it is hard saying goodbye. I have worked with the County here for around 9 years and have formed alot of close friends. I have started yesterday saying goodbye to some of them and tears wanted to flow. I have collected everyones addresses and email addresses so I can keep in touch with them. I will really miss ALOT of people here at work, REALLY MISS THEM. But I am looking forward to making new friends in my new County and forming friendships like I have here. Starting a new life and hopefully becoming happy deep inside myself. If you can understand what I am saying.

I will try and post here before I actually leave Florida on February 7th. I do not know when we will have our internet turned off at the old house. Buy my new house is scheduled to be turned on Feb 9th, My birthday. I may just from time to time post a quickie from my cell phone to let all of my Blogging Friends know I am still alive and well..

Until then my friends Take Care, Be safe and I will be thinking of you all. To those of you who know me personally I will make sure do a face to face goodbye soon..

KissimmeeJohn aka JohnnyOnTheSpot....


me... said...


Momo Fali said...

Good luck in your new endeavors!

Darren said...

Good luck with the move. I still can't believe you're leaving Flordia to move where it's cold.

Sarabeth said...

Good luck.

Blog Hopping---HP

Tara R. said...

Good luck with the move.

Etcetera - blog hopper

A Man Among Mommies said...

You are coming to the Midwest right?

Blog Hopping With Baby... (2 week old on my chest)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you! And Happy [early] Birthday! :-)

Happy Blog Hoppin' Saturday!
"Margarita Mom"

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move and all that's associated with it! Internet. That would be more important than electricity if you needed need electricity to run it, that is.