Hello everyone !
I am back to blogging. There has been so much going on since I "officially" posted a blog. I am still employed (Thank Goodness). My wife has started school at the end of 2009 for Nursing. She has been taking all her pre requisite classes and also took the CNA course. She worked a short time as a CNA and is now teetering between nursing and psychology. So this month she started her psychology class and thinks its going to be a very good class. My oldest daughter has a girlfriend and they bought a house together not far from me. In case I forgot to mention, My oldest daughter (22) moved here 6 months after we did. I am so glad she left Florida. She has a job in management, a great Girlfriend, a house and our relationship is better than I ever thought it would be! My 2ND oldest daughter turned 16 a few weeks ago and has her instructional permit. Wisconsin is no longer safe. LOL ! she is actually a decent driver when she does get behind the wheel. My 12 year old daughter has taken up snow boarding, softball and anything else she can do outside or athletic wise! I just wish her hobbies were not as damaging to the wallet. My son who is 10, well lets just say the last 4 months have been a road never traveled. He was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, which is on the high end of the autism spectrum. We have our daily challenges at home, school and anywhere public. Its going to be a long, challenging and learning experience for my wife and I as well as the other kids. But we will keep our head high and make it through this and come out smiling.
Our weather is unreal. I like snow, couldn't wait for the snow to come. Well I meant I wanted snow over the entire winter, NOT all in the first weekend. We continue to get snow, but not as bad as southern Wisconsin or the northeastern states.
All in all we are doing well and I am looking forward to sharing more with you all. I just started working 3rd shifts so my work hours are 10pm-6am. I just got home from work and have to run 2 kids to school before I can crawl under my blankets for a night of sleep.
I am out for now, I hope this finds everyone in good health and spirits ! until my next post, Good Night ...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I'm back !!!!!!!
Posted by
7:06 AM
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Holy Cow has it been awhile !!!
I have decided I am going to start blogging once again. I have missed reading and following my blog buddies. I have alot to share since I have last blogged. This is just a quick "HELLO" and short blog to let you know I am coming back and will be blogging, following and commenting.. I hope everyone is doing well.... Good Night for now...
Posted by
2:30 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
I really love this one. This is one of the better e-mails
I have received in a long time! I hope this makes its way around the U.S.A. several times over!!
"So Be It."THE LAW IS THE LAW! So 'if' the US government determines that it is against the
law for the words 'under God' to be on our money, then,
"So Be It."And 'if' that same government decides that the
'Ten Commandments'
are not to be used in or on a government installation, then,
"So Be It." I say, "So be it," because I would like to be a
law abiding U.S. citizen. I say, "So Be It," because I would like to think that
smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to think that those people have the
American public's best interests at heart.
Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and its
employees should participate in the
Easter and Christmas and Thanksgiving
celebrations which honor the God
that our government
is eliminating from many facets of American life. I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day. I'd like the 'U.S. Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as
well as Sundays.' After all, it's just another day. I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives
to not have to worry about getting home for the 'Christmas Break.' After all it's just another day. I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would
work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other
day of the week to a government that is trying to be
'politically correct.'
In fact....
I think that our government should work on Sundays, (initially set aside for worshipping God) because, after all, our government says that
it should be just another day....
What do you all think????
If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected
officials will stop giving in to the 'minority opinions'
and begin, once again, to represent the 'majority'
of ALL of the American people.
Please Our Dear Lord, Give us the help needed to keep you in our country!
'Amen' and 'Amen' Touche!
These are definitely things I never thought about but
from now on, I will be sure to question those in
government who support these changes. At the top, it says 'I hope this makes its way around
the U.S.A. several times over!!!!!'
Let's see that it does.
Posted by
11:56 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
In ref to my post "1st Grade Assignments" from December 8, 2007
I have just received a comment on my post about my 1st graders homework assignments..
Let me post his or her (as they are to afraid to identify them self) comment here at the end of it I will say a little something.
Anonymous said...
Dear complainer....What is the big problem with calling the teacher Dr. The teacher went to college for YEARS and did LOTS of work to EARN that title! Having your child call the teacher Dr is a respect thing...which CLEARLY the child's parent don't understand!!!! If you think it is so easy to get that title, then take your complaining butt off the computer long enough to work and obtain your own title. Second of all, your child should be the most important thing to you. Of all the things you do in life to waste time, you should NEVER complain on the time you invest in your own child... especially when you are teaching him something! The education of a child should be a team effort!YOU SHOULD BE PART OF THE TEAM!!! Parents need to help extend their child's knowledge base...and if you don't want your child to be knowledgable, then don't put the time in with him and sit on your computer and spend hours complaining like you are doing now! It's obvious that this web site took alot of your time to set up! In reading your post, I didn't hear you complain ONE time about the amount of time you had to invest in making this web page; yet, I heard you complain MANY times about having to invest time in helping your child become a better person! Sounds to me like you really need to do a reality check and get your priorities in order!!!!!! It is disrespetful parents like yourself that make the educational system in the United State sink lower and lower in the ranking among other nations. Go ahead and complain in front of your child. Teach him it is 'ok' to be at level with everyone one else and never extend or strive to go above and beyond. Prove to him that education is really not that important to you by whinning about every project instead of looking at them as opportunities for your child to learn new things. You can help make this country, that used to be the leader in the world when it came to new inventions and problem solving, slump lower and lower and depend on other countries (such as China...whose student by the way go to school 7 days a week and are tutored by their parents when they get home from school)for the solutions to tomorrows problems.I can promise you if you spent half as much time helping your child with school as you do complaining on the web and trying to "rally" other parent to not value the investment of time with their own children, you would be done with home work and have spare time to do something productive instead of destructive. And yes ma'am, the actions you are displaying are damaging whether you are intelligent enought to see it or not!!!
June 21, 2008 4:32 AM
Yes, I have put in ALOT of time working on this site, its usually at night when my kids are sound asleep or when I am home alone while trusting my children to said teachers. I have also spent many years raising my children and teaching them what they need to know in life. You want to sit there and tell me I am complaining about wasting time with my children and that I should be a part of the team.. I am more than a part of the team !! I spend countless hours working on projects, homework and attending school functions, volunteering at the schools as well. I am sorry if I do not want to be a part of the team that while I am putting my trust in them to teach and take care of my children during the course of the day, my 6 year old daughter was bit by her teacher in school leaving a ring of teeth marks on her shoulder. I have the pictures to prove it and the police reports to back that. I have a 3rd grader whose teacher was just arrested in January for disorderly conduct and child endangerment in the Class room. So forgive me if I do not totally RESPECT the teachers or want to be a part of "their" team as much as you would like me to. I would have to assume that you are a teacher, but then again maybe your not. Maybe you have some witty Title you like to go by.. But then again, you were not brave enough to list it if you do.
You want to sit there and tell me to get my butt of the computer and get a title for myself. Well have I got news for you , I have a title, I have several titles as a matter of fact, BUT I do not go forcing people to call me by said titles. I would rather be called by my name and keep things on a more personal/friendly level. I do not feel like I am superior over someone because of my titles. But since you would like me to have a title which one should I go by? MA, CMA, RMA, CNA, RN, EMT, FF, PARAMEDIC, CSO or EMD.. These are all titles I have acquired and am actually in the process of acquiring more.. But again, I do not feel I need to be addressed by any of those titles.
So until you are with me 24/7 do not insult my parenting skills just because I complained about projects my 1st grader had to do. And since you think that's complaining, let me guess, You would approve the letter my 7Th grader had to write in Language Arts begging her parents for school supplies because the county budget was not big enough to cover supplies for the students. So there for its OK to teach my children to beg for things? I would NEVER ask or tell my children to beg for anything in life and I do not APPROVE of a stranger teaching my children to beg either...
And let me just add, you are a big and great talker, try using spell check before you submit your rants as I have found some mistakes for you... and I am copying your sentences here.
and if you don't want your child to be knowledgable,
It should be "KNOWLEDEGABLE"
It is disrespetful parents like yourself that make the educational system
This should be DISRESPECTFUL
education is really not that important to you by whinning about every project
And this should be WHINING
And yes ma'am, the actions you are displaying are damaging whether you are intelligent enought to see it or not!!!
And this should be ENOUGH.. .
Oh and this last sentence, you addressed me as Ma'am, Well if you noticed how much time I spent on this website, you would have noticed that I am a Father , not a Mother..
So maybe you should go back to School and learn how to spell and become a little more observant.
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hello Remember Me???
Hello all Remember me??
I am sorry it has been forever since I have blogged anything. But I have been so busy with life getting settled in here in Wausau. I have 2 weeks left in my training at work and then its time to be set free. I am enjoying life here and the fact that I am spending the time being a Dad with my family. I had very little time for that in Florida. My family has grown together more and more since we have moved here. My wife is enjoying being the Stay at home Mom she deserves to be.

Posted by
6:09 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
lost a few pounds....
Just a quick hello and let you know I just weighed myself. Are you ready??
216.4 lbs or 98.1573889 kilograms ( Happy Arjan?) HaHaHaHa
I am excited. Well its off to work and my last night shift for awhile..
Posted by
10:11 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Day One of my Gym adventures...
Well, today I have started using the gym at work. I am going to make an effort and start working out regularly. I have gained a few (umm, yeah a few) pounds since moving up here. So I worked from 10pm last night until 6am this morning and when I got off work, I went down to the gym and got my use of the Treadmill. One of my co-workers is showing me the ropes in county gym. I have a LONG way to go to get to the level he is on on the elliptical. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill did 2 miles and burned 200+ calories. I guess that's good. So I figured I would start posting and log my successes and or failures on here.
Day 1
Starting weight 221.8 lbs ... Wish me luck !!!!!
OH and I only have 2 more shifts on nights.. I start days 6am-2pm on Sunday the 6Th. I will be on Days for 6 weeks training, then back to nights for a few weeks.. So I will be on here posting more frequent.
HAPPY HUMP DAY EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
8:38 AM
Labels: gym, working out
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter !!!!!!!
May your Easter be safe and full of Friends and Family !!!!!
I just wanted to post a few pictures Showing the Easter Spirit in my home.
I love all my Family, Friends and that includes all my blogger world friends.
I am very sorry I have not been doing much blogging lately but with my training at work , its takes up all my free time. I am due to be signed off training June 14th. So please cope with me and drop me a line from time to time and once I am done with me training, I will be back in full force here on the Blogs !!!
May God Bless all of You and Your Family and Friends on the Glorious Easter !!!!!!
Posted by
7:14 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
1 gets sick, They ALL get sick !!!!
I guess I could have added this as part of my "Life in a Snowball" post.
The BUG is going around my house like crazy. Last week this was my kids school schedule.
SATURDAY: 3rd grader starts running a fever and lasts until Monday so ..
MONDAY: no School. 1st and 7Th grader go to school. 7Th Grader already at this point has a cough started.
TUESDAY: 3rd grader no fever goes to school with 1st grader. 7Th grader stays home sick from coughing.
WEDNESDAY: 1st and 3rd grader go to school, no fever, no cough. 7Th grader still No School. Later that evening 1st grader gets in shower and says his stomach hurts. Gets out of shower and vomits all over my toilet (at least he tried). Spends the night vomiting.
THURSDAY: No School for 1st and 7Th Grader. 3rd grader makes it to school.
FRIDAY: Decide to keep 1st and 7Th home again to give them the extra resting period.
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: All are doing well hence Mr Snowman was created.
SUNDAY NIGHT: around midnight 3rd grader gets up passes out in the bathroom, comes to and then the vomiting starts. Passed out again around 2:00 am goes face/belly down to the hardwood floor in the bathroom, comes to and vomits. Wife and her goes to sleep in our bed and 20 minutes later she passes out again sitting on the bed, comes to and vomits.
SOOO here I am stressed out because My medical insurance does not kick in until May 1st. I call the local Emergency Room and plead my case they tell me to come in.
We finally come home around 5:15 am with a 3rd grader that has the stomach flu and is suffering from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasovagal_syncope.
Wife and 3rd grader return to my bedroom and I camp out on living room floor and a quiet corner. I am asleep for 45ish minutes when I hear my wife yell "OH MY GOD, JOHNNY" I leap and run to the bedroom where 3rd graders is on her back between the bed and dresser after passing out and hitting her head on the dresser on the way down. When she comes to she informs us she was going to the bathroom and only made it about 3 ft from the bed..
MONDAY: 3rd grader home sick, 1st and 7Th grader went to school.
All during my kids sicknesses My wife and I have been fighting a cough (we both had flu shots and hope we are safe from anything worse) My brother in law who came up here with us has been through the cough/fever and vomiting as well. The ONLY one who has not gotten sick "YET" is my Mother in Law.
So thats been my last week give or take a day ... BUT I AM STILL HAPPY that I moved here and WILL NOT go back to Florida.. LOL
Posted by
9:45 AM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
My life in a snowball...
Well, I figured since I took a leave of absence from the blog, I was due for a post. So, Here goes .....
I have finally started working again. I started on Monday February 25Th. I was so ready to go back to work after NOT working since the 30Th of January. I was watching the funds dwindle down and boredom take over. I have slept, ate and crapped more in the last month than I have in the last year.. LOL I was more than ready to start back at work. Everyone at the Sheriff's Office I am working for is more than polite. I have never worked somewhere with people as polite and friendly as up here in Wisconsin. Hell EVERYONE in the town we live in is like that.
OK, It is now 2:30 on Sunday. I am picking up after a 24 hour break.. I had to stop this post yesterday to go rescue my Mother In Law from work. She was stuck in the parking lot because she couldn't steer her Durango. I drove it home with quit a bit of effort because the power steering pump went out on it.. SO its now parked in the garage until I can get it fixed.. WONDERFUL...
Anyways. Work is going well, We have all settled in and transitioned into the new lifestyle up here. The kids are all doing well in school. Well let me rephrase that. My 13 year old still thinks her life is over as she knows it and it will never be the same as it was in Florida. She has made a couple of friends in school but lives on the phone with her best friend in Florida. Thanks God I have unlimited long distance with my home phone. And to add to the fact that we ruined her life , We changed cell phone companies and were only approved for 3 lines instead of the 4 lines we wanted. So this caused he not to get a cell phone and ended her Texting Lifestyle.. LOL
But life goes on and she is dealing with it...
My son who is in first grade is not doing as well in reading and they requested a conference with us to talk about maybe holding him back next year. We are going to enroll him into summer school to help with his reading so hopefully that will help him move into 2ND easier.
My third grader, Lets just say she has adjusted without any problems..
All the kids love the snow and want to get out and play in it every chance they get. They even built a snowman today. I will post the pics at the end of my posting ..
My wife has decided to just get a part time job in the mornings when the kids are in school so she can be home when they get out of school. She is going to get her RN degree but there is a 3 year waiting list at the Tech school here. So over the next 3 years she is going to start taking a class here and there to get some out of the way.
We had a snowfall again on Friday and got another 4-5 inches of snow. Today we were supposed to get freezing rain up until noon and that never happened. Tonight is supposed to lead to more snow showers, so we will see.
I also am going to take this moment and say hello to everyone that has been stopping in to read my blog. Thanks for all the wonderful comments.
To all the Blog-Hoppers out there, thanks for stopping by and visiting, I am glad to be your "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT" I hope you cleaned up after yourself when you were done.. I need to get a list of everyone thats a Blog-Hopper, so if you have a list of them all let me know so I can add them all to my homepage..
I will end this with a God Bless you all , be safe, healthy and enjoy life. To Christy , My Florida Friend, I miss ya lots and Mean it... when you coming to visit???
Here are a few pics....
Here is Mr Snowman that the kids built today.
A shot of Mr Snowman with his Creator.
Here is a picture from my back deck during the snow fall on Friday
Just another pic from the back deck...
Posted by
3:54 PM